Nikki Bella Says She and John Cena Are Not Speaking

Nikki Bella and John Cena’s breakup dominated headlines for a chunk of 2018. However, considering […]

Nikki Bella and John Cena‘s breakup dominated headlines for a chunk of 2018. However, considering they were WWE’s First Couple, the public still wants to keep a keen eye on their relationship. But according to Nikki Bella, they aren’t even talking.

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In an interview with ET, Bella confirmed that she is single, but not dating at the moment.

“I made a joke about dating, Netflix and black licorice and how it gets boring and it turned into this whole thing where I got quoted saying dating life is boring,” Nikki, 34, said of recent rumors surrounding her dating life. “I was like, ‘No I said Netflix and black licorice and [was boring]’… it’s not what people expect, but I’ve got to admit I am single but I’m not ready for mingling yet.”

As to Cena, Bella said she and the 16-time WWE Champion have not been communicating.

“He’s doing him and I’m doing me,” Bella said. She went on to elaborate that she’s trying to improve herself. “I slowly feel like I’m doing that,” Nikki said. “I think it’s happiness, and just fully being happy and that’s what I want.”

The 34-year old and Cena broke off their engagement this spring causing a ruckus amongst the wrestling world and reality TV fans. Some have postulated that their split was designed to boost rating for Total Bellas, but now that the couple is still apart, their break up looks to be legitimate.

“I just feel like I’m at that age where I’m discovering who I really am and what I want out of life and just, like, independence,” she said. “Is it scary and you do have these moments of like, ‘What am I doing?’ — and fear. I just kind of am liking the challenge,” she said.

Bella made her return WWE action a few weeks ago, but on top of returning to her in-ring glory, Bella wants to make it as a self -starter.

“I’m really enjoying being an entrepreneur [and] I’m very excited for my comeback at WWE,” Nikki said of her return to wrestling, which is currently being shown on season eight of Total Divas. “I just have this goal in my head of what I want to conquer as an independent woman and I’m going to get there.”

With so many ambitions, Bellas reasons that she’s better off single so she can devote all of her energy to self-improvement.

“You’re better in a relationship when you fully have that self-love and love yourself and know who you are because then you’re just so confident in that relationship,” she said.

Bella is rumored to be on track for a match with Ronda Rousey at Evolution in October. While that may never happen, it does appear that Fearless Nikki is mounting a full WWE comeback that will eventually see her chase the Raw Women’s Championship.