NXT's Io Shirai and Zoey Stark Retain NXT Women's Tag Team Titles

There was plenty of gold on the line during tonight's NXT, and up first was the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships. Champions Io Shirai and Zoey Stark took on Toxic Attraction's Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne, and early Dolin let Shirai know she wasn't messing around. Shirai returned the favor with a dropkick, and Jayne tagged in. She hit a kick, a chop, and a punch, but her taunting got Shirai angry and she hit Jayne with a flurry of punches. She tagged in Stark, who went to work with more punches and a leg kick, and then Stark and Jayne traded roll-up attempts but both kicked out.

Stark tried to roll Jayne again, but Jayne reversed it. Stark kicked out and then they went on a hard chop exchange, and Stark's chop you could hear in Wyoming. Stark then hit a Senton and went for a pin but Jayne kicked out. Jayne tagged in Dolin without Stark seeing it, and Dolin kicked her in the face and went for a pin but she kicked out.

Stark hit a clothesline and then went after Rose, and then both Stark and Shirai hit big dropkicks. Shirai went for a kick but Dolin caught her and punched her, while Stark took out Jayne. Dolin then went top turnbuckle and dove into Stark, and Shirai followed suit with a Moonsault, clearing out Dolin and Jayne.

Then Jayne got the better of Shirai, but Shirai kicked out of a pin. Jayne kept up the attack, but Shirai kicked out once more. Shirai then bought herself some space with a kick and tagged in Stark, who clotheslined Jayne and punched Dolin. She kept up the attack with kicks and a suplex on Jayne, and then hit a boot to the face but Dolin broke up a pin attempt. Stark clotheslined her over the ropes, but that let Jayne clock Stark with a huge punch. Stark came back and lifted Jayne for a roll and then went to the top rope, but Jayne got out of the way. Jayne followed up with a Neck Breaker, which left both stars grounded.

Jayne tagged in Dolin and Stark tagged in Shirai, and Shirai lit up Dolin with a 619, a dropkick, and more. Dolin kicked out of the pin attempt, but Shirai locked in a CrossFace but Jayne broke it up. Then Shirai recovered and locked in a Crossface on both Dolin and Jayne, but Rose put her foot on the rope and got the referee to break it up.

Stark was tagged in but Dolin caught her. Shirai went to hit Dolin but she evaded and then Jayne came in to fend off Shirai. Dolin had a pin locked in but Stark kicked out. Jayne super kicked Stark but Stark managed to knock out Jayne for a minute, enough to tag in Shirai. Then Shirai knocked Jayne off the ring and jumped over the rope to attack Dolin.

Stark confronted Rose, who told her to calm down, and then Shirai hit Jayne in the ring. She went to the top rope and hit a Moonsault, and that was enough for the pin and the win. Stark then pushed Rose over, and it appears this feud is far from done.