Ric Flair Has a Hot Take Regarding a Steve Austin vs. CM Punk Dream Match

With WWE reporting courting "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to compete in more matches and CM Punk reportedly on his way out of AEW following the "Brawl Out" incident, fans are crossing their fingers that there's even a sliver of a chance that a dream match between the two outspoken former WWE Champions could actually happen. But one person who outright hates the idea of the match is "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. The 16-time world champion dismissed that matchup as nothing more than a 30-second squash victory for Austin, then proposed opponents he believed are better suited for "The Texas Rattlesnake."

"For Steve to put on the tights and go out there and wrestle as Stone Cold, you know, he'll take a lot of pride in himself, because he's a man's man," Flair said (h/t WrestlingNews.co). "He always stays in good shape. I mean, his body's still great. He looks good. Knowing his ego and knowing who he is, he'll want to be Stone Cold. If he wrestled CM Punk, you need to beat him in 30 seconds, so that's not the answer. Stone Cold Steve Austin and CM Punk? Come on. Give me a break. You can't even mention their name in the same breath. Please. The Rock and him? I don't know. They could look at each other and be just a question of who's doing the favor because they're not gonna wrestle for an hour. John Cena, I liked that idea, too. But, you know, it's like we talked about with The Rock."

"You know, the decision was made sooner than we know about it because if Steve's getting ready to wrestle a real match, real-time in LA., it's gonna be damn good," he continued. "But I mean, come on. I don't mean this bad, but CM Punk just can't act like he acts in one company and go to the other and act like that and come over and expect to be in the main events. If he was in the main event at WrestleMania, you would have a riot in the locker room. Think about it. He didn't leave on good terms. He didn't leave the other place on good terms. I mean, it's not about his ability. I'm just talking about that I can't even fathom the WWE even entertaining bringing a guy in that would be putting him ahead of Styles, Orton. I mean, you could have Steve wrestle either one of those guys. If Steve can work, if his neck is Okay, Steve is a working fool. He could wrestle Randy (Orton). You'd have guys jumping off the roof if you brought Punk in there and threw him in the main event at WrestleMania."

Do you agree with Flair? Or should WWE bite the bullet and try to bring Punk in for one last run? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!