Is Eric Bischoff The Man To Turn Roman Reigns Heel?

Thursday's news that Eric Bischoff will be heading creative for WWE SmackDown and Paul Heyman on [...]

Thursday's news that Eric Bischoff will be heading creative for WWE SmackDown and Paul Heyman on RAW has really shaken up the landscape of WWE.

While any moves that both men want to make will ultimately still have to go through Vince McMahon, people are already scrounging through Bischoff's recent podcasts and guest appearances where he made comments on WWE to try to find some clues as to what the former WCW President may look to do.

One idea that he talked about not too long ago that has people talking: a Roman Reigns heel turn.

A possible run for Reigns as a heel has always been a hot topic of discussion, especially when he was at the height of getting negative reactions from the crowd despite WWE trying to push him as their top babyface.

Bischoff was interviewed by Chris Van Vliet last summer. When asked whether he thinks Reigns is over with the crowd, he responded, "Over is a subjective term, it means different thing to different people. Clearly, he's high profile. Is he a fan favorite? No. Has he got the right kind of heat that could be use to advance a storyline? Questionable."

Bischoff reinforced the fact that he thought this was beyond Reigns' control, looking more toward creative mistakes that have been made with his character. When Van Vliet asked him if a heel turn would help, Bischoff responded, "I wish they would turn him heel!"

Continuing, he added, "If it was me, I'd make him a heel. If he can't talk, I'd find somebody to talk for him."

What do you think? Is turning Roman Reigns heel the right move? Let us know in the comments section below.