Ronda Rousey Calls Her WWE Schedule 'Easy Tourist Version'

Ronda Rousey is on track to becoming the most significant acquisition in WWE history. Her built-in [...]

Ronda Rousey is on track to becoming the most significant acquisition in WWE history. Her built-in celebrity justifies her quick rise, but Rousey knows she's the luckiest star in the locker room.

During an appearance on the PWI Podcast, the Raw Women's Champion discussed the gilded path WWE has carved for her.

"I'm very aware of how privileged I've been from lot of people who worked their entire lives just to get somebody to take one look at them. And from day one, I don't know anything and I have, like, Triple H telling me how to tie my shoe. Triple H taught me how to tie my boots! Like, that is insane," Rousey explained. "I think it would be spitting in the face of every woman that would want this opportunity to not take full advantage of it."

While Rousey was always a fan, she was unaware of WWE's grueling schedule—thinking Superstars only competed when the camera was rolling.

"Being on the road and everything has given me a lot more respect for what everybody else does," Rousey said. "I mean, honestly, when I came into this, I thought everybody just wrestled once a week! I just thought they showed up at RAW or SmackDown [Live] and that was it. I didn't even know that there were live shows throughout the week! I mean, and these people just go nonstop. Like, I have nowhere near the schedule that everybody else has. If I'm on a week of live shows, it takes me a week to recover from it. If anything, I have the super easy tourist version. I have nothing to complain about! I do whatever I can to perform whenever they need me to perform, but I have a much easier schedule than everybody else," she said.

From our perspective, Rousey's 2018 has been nearly impeccable. However the former UFC Champion was braced for a rough year as she wasn't sure how WWE Superstars and fans would recieve her.

"Honestly, coming into this, I expected all the fans and all the people in the locker room to hate my guts from day one. I really did! I was really blindsided by how accepting and amazing everybody has been, and how amazing the WWE Universe has been, and how amazing everybody in the locker room has been. I mean, like, I'm really not here for a quick paycheck, or some extra fame, or anything like that. Honestly, I really love this business. I really want to contribute as much as I can and I don't want to take credit for the women's evolution. I don't want to take away from what everyone has been doing. I just want to be a catalyst and I want to be able to speed up what's going on here and bring more attention and more value to all the work that these women are doing. If I can do that in the least, then I'm happy," Rousey continued. "Just coming into this industry, I've been nothing but surprised nonstop by the absolute goodness in people, and how happy they are for me to be here, and for me to be a part of it. I was expecting resistance and resentment from day one and I've got nothing but acceptance and everybody willing to help me. There hasn't been one person who hasn't offered me a piece of advice, or knowledge, or something and I'm just so lucky that I'm surrounded by all of those teachers from day one."