Details on a "Dark Side of the Ring" Episode on Scott Hall

Scott Hall tragically passed away at the age of 63 last year after suffering multiple heart attacks following a hip surgery that dislodged a blood clot. The WWE Hall of Famer had a career that was plagued by substance and alcohol abuse, though he would work on his sobriety with Diamond Dallas Page in his later years. Kevin Nash, Hall's long-time best friend, confirmed in a new episode of Kliq This that the Vice documentary series Dark Side of the Ring has reached out for an episode centered on Hall's life. 

Nash supported the idea, believing the episode would properly tackle the PTSD Hall suffered from having to use an assailant's gun in self-defense while working as a bartender at a gentlemen's club in Orlando back in 1983.

"Dark Side of the Ring wants to do something and they want to involve me and they want to involve Sean Waltman. Cody (Hall) is going to be involved. What we want to do is to just tell people who Scott really f—ing was. I just don't think that the A&E perspective is ever going to cover the post-traumatic stress of Scott and the shooting that happened at the Dollhouse on Orange Avenue," Nash explained. 

Nash then described the personal turmoil Hall went through and how he found solace in the ring — "There's a reason why so many of our f—ing warriors come back from combat and they take their lives because they've taken a life. Scott's thing was always, because he was so highly religious, that Scott would say, 'But you don't understand man. I'm not going to go to heaven. I've broken one of the ten commandments, Thou shall not kill. I've killed. I'm not going to go to heaven. My soul will be in limbo.' I'm like, 'No man. That's not how it works. You can ask for forgiveness of your sins. If you're going to play the game, you can't read half the box. You can't read half the box top. You have to read the whole f—ing thing.'

"That is one thing Scott would always say is that when he was in the ring, he would say like, he loved to work," he continued. "There were days that I would leave my energy, I mean, I loved to work out, so I would train my back, or legs, or something like that and I wouldn't have much left for the f—ing ring that night. Scott would be like, 'That's f—ing bulls— man.' Scott would always say, 'In that ring, I'm in charge of f—ing everything. Outside the ring, I'm not in charge of anything. That's when I lose the reins of my life is when I go outside those ropes. In these ropes, I'm a maestro', and he knew it."
