Former WWE Star Jack Swagger Debuts On AEW Dynamite

Former WWE star and World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger made a surprise appearance at the [...]

Former WWE star and World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger made a surprise appearance at the conclusion of this week's AEW Dynamite debut episode.

Calling him by his real name Jake Hager, the announcers sold the surprise in a big way as he made his way out following the main event pitting Chris Jericho and LAX against The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega.

Recently, Hager has been competing as part of Bellator MMA.

After the main event, the scene broke down as several stars ran out from the back and brawled, including Cody Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, and Dustin Rhodes. However, it was Hager who made the big impact.

Hager destroyed everyone in his path and stood tall next to Jericho, LAX, and the rest of the crew to close the show. Check out the footage below.

What did you think of Jake Hager's debut on AEW? Let us know in the comments or give me a follow to talk all things pro wrestling @ryandroste