WWE's Charlotte Flair Retains the SmackDown Women's Title and Defeats Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania 38

WrestleMania 38 Night One had already delivered several amazing matches and moments, and now it's time for SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey. The two have had a bitter rivalry since Rousey won the Royal Rumble and picked Flair as her WrestleMania 38 opponent, and now they were finally set to throw down for the title. The bell rang and they immediately went at each other, with Flair hitting some back elbows and Rousey hitting a number of punches and strikes. Flair went behind the referee and got some shots in before trying to ground Rousey, and Rousey then went for the Ankle Lock but Flair got away.

Flair charged at Rousey but she threw her over her hip and then Flair went for a hold but Rousey escaped. Flair avoided the turnbuckle but Rousey punched her and then Flair kicked her in the face. Rousey hit a knee to the head and then went to lock in a hold with her legs around Flair's neck, but Flair then drove an elbow into Rousey's chest and slammed her down onto the ring apron.

Rousey then caught Flair with the Ankle Lock but Flair threw Rousey over hard onto the floor. Rousey then got slammed into the post and Flair went for the cover but Rousey kicked out. Flair then locked in another hold and put pressure on Rousey's shoulder and neck but Rousey fought out only to get thrown back down and covered but Rousey kicked out again. Flair then put more pressure on Rousey's head and neck, but Rousey took her down and hit a huge knee to the face followed by a cover but Flair kicked out.

Rousey then took Flair down with a Tornado DDT and then went for a cover, but Flair kicked out. Flair threw some elbows and Rousey returned with a kick and a takedown followed by another two takedowns but Flair hit a huge spear and went for the cover, but Rousey kicked out. Then Flair hit a Back Suplex and then pondered her next move. She went up top and hit a Moonsault but didn't connect on the first and the second flip only connected a little so Rousey kicked out quickly from the cover. Then Flair followed with loud chops but Rousey countered and went for the cover, but Flair kicked out.

Flair had her hung up in the corner and kicked her several times, but Rousey got back up only to get knocked down again. Flair picked Rousey up by her feet and then locked in a hold against the ropes but Rousey got herself up and punched Flair in the face. Rousey ended up on the ground but on her feet and hit Flair with elbows and then brought Flair down from the top rope into a cover but Flair kicked out.

Ronda hit a takedown and went for the armor but Flair escaped. Rousey hit a knee but Flair hit a big boot to the head and both took a minute to catch their breath. Then Rousey got Flair down from a quick takedown but Flair kicked out. Rousey had Flair up on her shoulders but Flair rolled through only to have Rousey reverse it into an Ankle Lock. Flair struggled but then she reversed it into an Ankle Lock of her own.

Rousey then slammed Flair's face into the turnbuckle with her legs and bought herself some space. Rousey tried to lock in a hold but Flair reversed it and slammed her down quickly and went for the pin, though Rousey kicked out. Flair went for the Figure Four but Rousey reversed it into an Ankle Lock and dragged Flair away from the ropes. Then she locked it in even more and they were in the center of the ring with nowhere to go. Flair got away finally with kicks to the head before she had to tap.

Rousey then caught Flair again into an arm bar but then Flair reversed that into the Figure Four and bridged it. Rousey caught her leg though and reversed it, but then they rolled over again until Rousey got the floor. Flair was on the ring apron and Rousey pulled her arm and slammed her down hard onto the floor. Rousey stopped the count and then charged at Flair, but Flair caught her and duplexed her into the barricade. Rousey and Flair both got into the ring to stop the count, and then Flair trash talked for a minute but Rousey picked her up and hit a Piper's Pit in the corner, though Flair got her foot on the last minute and the referee said it was in time. Then Flair hit a Natural Selection but Rousey kicked out at 2.

Flair looked frustrated, and she went for the Figure Four again, but then Rousey kicked Flair into the referee. Rousey then caught Flair with an armbar and Flair tapped, but the referee was still down. Rousey then broke the hold to go and wake up the referee but then Flair speared her and covered her, and that was enough for the pin and the win. Rousey was understandably angry, and Flair lives to fight another day.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!