WWE’s Montez Ford Talks Tribute To The Troops, New Day, Batman, and More

WWE will soon put on its annual Tribute to the Troops event, which not only brings some of the […]

WWE will soon put on its annual Tribute to the Troops event, which not only brings some of the biggest superstars to the ring but also gives the superstars a chance to meet and get to know all the servicemen and women who help defend our country on a daily basis. This is especially important to those who have served in the military before landing in WWE, and you can absolutely include Street Profits’ Montez Ford in that category. ComicBook.com had the chance to talk to Ford ahead of his epic 10 Man Tag Match at the event, but the thing he treasures most about the whole experience is just meeting all of the amazing people that put their lives on the line.

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“Yeah, it’s the greatest thing,” Ford said. “Especially for me, being a prior serviceman, it means a lot that you have companies like the WWE that take time and actually just give us some recognition, man. And everything those servicemen do, it does not go unnoticed. They do so much, and the sacrifices, and the time they put into this world and this country, man. It’s just unmatched. So it just means a lot for me to not only be prior service but to also be a part of giving back to it. So it just comes full circle, and for me, it’s a blessing.”

Ford will also put on a show in the ring with some of the biggest talents in WWE, and with so many big names throwing down, it’s definitely coming to be challenging, but Ford is perfectly fine with that.

“The word is big, but the biggest challenge is just me keeping my bearings because I’m in there with guys like Jeff Hardy, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler, and Bobby Roode. These are guys that have not only paved the way but made some huge names for themselves in this business. So for us to be in the same company with them just right off the bat is just like, ‘Wow, this is pretty cool.’”

“And also to have it not only be in the ring with these gentlemen but to also be in a ring with them on this stage, which is Tribute to the Troops, which is actually probably, if not the biggest, one of our biggest shows and our most favorite shows to do every year,” Ford said. “It’s just so much fun, man. Just making everyone feel good, to have them escape whatever they’re going through right now, especially with this very, very hard and difficult transitional year. So, it’s cool, man.”

The Street Profits have quickly moved to the top of the tag division, and when you get to the top there is The New Day to deal with. They’ve already shown they can hang with them as a tag team, but Ford would definitely be up for facing the members one on one someday if the opportunity came up.

“Yeah, I would definitely like to work all three individually, but I would definitely say Kofi Kingston because of what he’s done for our generation and how he’s paved the way,” Ford said. “I’d definitely love to get in there one-on-one against Kofi Kingston. He’s a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion man. To me, that’s like, being in the ring with him on a singles match, it’s just like putting my mark and stamp on the WWE entertainment business as a whole.”

That said, don’t expect Montez and Angelo to split anytime soon, though if they were to be separated, they would still support each other wholeheartedly.

“But as far as us having singles matches, it’s one of the things that like, if myself and Dawkins were to get drafted and go separate ways, it would definitely be one of those situations where like, he’ll support me and be all for it and vice versa,” Ford said. “It’s one of those things where we’ll just be supportive, man.”

“So yeah, it’d be definitely one of those things that we’d be supportive and be excited about, but I don’t think that’s happening any time soon,” Ford said. “Because like I said, I can fly around and jump, but I definitely need my tag team partner to knock over these bigger guys, man. You got people like Braun Strowman and Keith Lee that work on the same roster as us.”

The Street Profits are fun to watch in the ring, but they’re just as entertaining out of the ring, and they’re allowed to just be themselves and come up with creative segments with whoever they’re working with, like that hilarious L shaped food segment with Big E.

“Yeah. Yeah. We love to work with pretty much anyone we get put with. Just bounce off ideas and we pretty much get to work together and try to enhance everything,” Ford said. “Some ideas will come from them, some ideas will come from us. It’s just cool that we get to work together and just flourish and figure out more things. Like, ‘Hey, we got this food. Okay. How about we make the food shaped in Ls? Oh yeah, because we’re serving them Ls like losses.’ It’s cool that they allow us and they trust us to come up with something crazy. Yeah, it’s cool, man.”

Speaking of entertaining, you couldn’t help but be entertained by Ford and Bianca Belair’s amazing Thriller recreation for Halloween, and it’s something Ford has wanted to do for some time.

“Man, I’ve been wanting to do that for months,” Ford said. “I was like, ‘Hey babe, what do you think if we do Thriller for Halloween?’ Because I’m a huge, huge, huge Michael Jackson fan, man. I’ve been watching Michael ever since I was a tadpole, man. And I thought it was just something to do because 2020’s just been a very difficult and transitional and adjusting year for a lot of people. So we wanted to do something where if somebody wasn’t able to go trick or treating, if somebody wasn’t able to go to the movies, obviously with the restrictions and everything going on, they can watch crazy-ass montages and reenact thriller.”

If you dug Thriller, the good news is Ford and Belair are working on another cool project, though he wouldn’t spill the beans just yet. He did tease it a bit though, and we might be seeing the beginnings of a MontezBianca-verse.

“I think next year we got something else planned, but I don’t want to spoil it. Let’s put it like this, it’s probably going to be in the same universe, kind of like the Marvel universe. Because you guys know, you guys deal with comics, you guys know how the universe works, there’s definitely going to be some Easter eggs and some stuff that ties in with the first one.”

When we spoke to Belair recently, she said that Ford is the one who has introduced her to more of the superhero world, so we had to ask who his favorite superhero is, and fans of the Dark Knight will be quite happy.

“I would say for me, man, when I was younger, Spider-Man was my favorite. I just loved the web-swinging, the moves, how steady he was, everything,” Ford said. “But then as I got older, for me, I was like, Batman’s the greatest. I just felt like Batman is the greatest because… Batman and Black Panther. I was like Batman and Black Panther are the greatest just because, there’s really no superpowers involved with either one. Black Panther has his suit and he has his enhancements and gadgets just like Batman, and Batman is probably the best detective of all time.”

“So it’s like, these guys really don’t have anything supernatural that is assisting them. Pretty much everything they’re doing is just all wits and brains. And even my son now, when he was younger he was crazy about Spider-Man. Now, he’s all for Batman. He loves Batman. I think it’s just his demeanor too, man. He’s a billionaire asshole in front of the world… you know what I’m saying? Billionaire asshole in front of the world, but then he’s also the same guy that’s saving your ass.”

You can watch Ford throw down during Tribute to the Troops when it airs Sunday, December 6th on FOX, and you can see The Street Profits every Friday on SmackDown, airing on FOX at 8 PM EST.

What do you hope to see The Street Profits do next? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things WWE with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!