Photo: WWE Superstar Mustafa Ali and His Wife Uzma Welcome Their Third Child

WWE Superstar Mustafa Ali took to Twitter late Wednesday night to announce that he and his wife, Uzma, just had their third child. Ali posted a photo of himself holding his new daughter, writing "We named her Dua because we prayed really hard for her." Ali (real name Adeel Alam) and his wife first met in 2010 and got married a year later. 

After his Retribution faction was unceremoniously dissolved earlier this year, Ali spent the past few months teaming with Mansoor while trying to convince him to adopt more of Ali's heelish tactics. His repeated failures resulted in him attacking Mansoor during a backstage interview, leading to them having a match at the Crown Jewel pay-per-view in Saudi Arabia. Other than a loss in a rematch and getting squashed by Drew McIntyre in two minutes, Ali hasn't been used much since getting drafted to SmackDown. 

In an interview with ComicBook earlier this year, Ali confirmed that he effectively had to audition in order for WWE's creative team to turn heel. He also talked about the freedom he gets to have as an antagonist. 

"It's always fun, man," Ali said. "You kind of play up your strengths. But even when I wasn't a heel, I was still having fun because in the ring I feel like I'm very elite, right? Not like there's not a lot of people that could tell me what to do in the ring, and I've always had that confidence. But being a heel has allowed me to express myself way more than I was able to do as a babyface. And that just kind of comes with the goal, right? When you're a babyface, you're not really supposed to be out there complaining or stirring the pot or talking about something that would divide opinions. You're supposed to be kind of like clearcut and happy to be here, and fight with the good side. And yeah, I got knocked up, but I'll get back up.

"But as the bad guy, you could stir the pot a little bit," he added. "You can say some controversial thing. You can kind of express your mind. Some people might see it as whining and complaining, which is good for the character. But if you really listen to what I say, if you really listened to the word that I, 'get away with a bang,' there's a lot of truth in there."