WWE NXT's Von Wagner Defeats Kyle O'Reilly in Brutal Beatdown

Tonight's NXT started with Kyle O'Reilly taking on Von Wagner after Wagner tried to turn on O'Reilly after their loss at NXT WarGames to Imperium. O'Reilly punished Von Wagner after the match, and the two were to settle their difference in a cage match on tonight's NXT. O'Reilly was in control early on, continuing his assault on Von Wagner from WarGames. Von Wagner then shook things up with his raw power, slamming O'Reilly into the cage and getting some breathing room.

Von Wagner continued to mount a comeback with punches and kicks, and then he lifted O'Reilly and slammed him down again into a bit of a bear hug. O'Reilly hit him with elbows until he was free, but Von Wagner sent him flying into the turnbuckle.

Von Wanger then lifted O'Reilly and slammed him down again, but O'Reilly kicked out of the pin. Von Wanger kept O'Reilly grounded and tried for a pin of the shoulders, but O'Reilly got his shoulder up. Von Wagner then locked him into another hold and then locked it in again after a brief elbow to the face.

Von Wagner then sent O'Reilly into the cage hard, and followed it up with a pin but O'Reilly kicked out again. Another hold around O'Reilly's ribs followed, and O'Reilly was trying to get to his feet. More elbows to Von Wagner's face followed but Von Wagner tried to lift him up only to have O'Reilly hit him with big kicks to the legs.

O'Reilly was charged up, not staying down and hitting more kicks to the leg. O'Reilly then dodged a charge and sent Von Wagner hard into the cage. More kicks to the legs and punches to the face followed and then he hit a knee to the face.

O'Reilly slammed Von Wanger into the cage several times, and then he climbed on the cage and stomped on Von Wagner and followed it with a guillotine. Von Wagner picked him up and slammed him down somehow, and then he ran over O'Reilly with a leg clothesline but O'Reilly kicked out of the pin.

Von Wagner went to lift him but O'Reilly went after his legs and knee, and managed to ground him. The crowd was on Kyle's side, but Von Wagner caught him before he could finish his climb up the cage. They traded punches and head slams on the cage, and then O'Reilly was up top and hit a big knee to the back of the head. He pinned him but Von Wagner kicked out at the last second.

O'Reilly picked him up but Von Wagner hit a huge low blow to O'Reilly. Von Wagner slammed O'Reilly's face into the cage twice and then hit a huge slam and got the pin and the win. The crowd was booing him quite a bit, but then he came back in and attacked O'Reilly more. He hung him up on the ropes and then slammed the door on his face and body twice, and then hit another one, making him an example.