Tonight’s episode of WWE NXT contained several welcome surprises, including the appearance of Monday Night Raw superstar Lyra Valkyria. That would be noteworthy on its own, but making it even better is why Valkyria returned. Tonight’s card featured a match between TNA star Rosemary and Tatum Paxley, and Rosemary’s ally Wendy Choo was also at ringside watching how things played out. Paxley and Choo have been on opposing sides for a little while now, and the match would end up turning into an all out attack by Choo and Rosemary. That’s when Valkyria made her surprising return and made the save, reuniting with her former friend from NXT.
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Valkyria ran out and helped clear the ring of Choo and Rosemary, and Paxley couldn’t believe she was there. Valkyria then helped Paxley up and after a moment of wondering what would happen, Valkyria and Paxley hugged, and Paxley leaped into Valkyria’s arms. This was a major deal for Paxley, as she idolized Valkyria and was a staunch ally of her during her run as NXT Women’s Champion, though that then went awry.
Things went off the rails when Paxley turned on Valkyria and became obsessed with the Championship itself, and the two would end up colliding in the ring. Things would then play out further and everything was left hanging when Valkyria was moved to Monday Night Raw as part of the WWE Draft. Valkyria didn’t forget either, and told Paxley as much during a backstage promo after their first segment on tonight’s NXT.
Catching Up
Valkyria said that she knew they left things on a rough note, but despite that, she hasn’t been able to shake thinking about Paxley. That’s why she couldn’t turn away when Paxley was being attacked and had to help, and though she had to calm Paxley down a bit, she said she is here to help her and take the fight to anyone who has it out for her friend. For now that’s Choo and Rosemary, who have become quick allies over the past two weeks, and now Paxley has some back-up.
The question is now when do we get the big Tag Team match, and it would seem like a perfect match to have during next week’s WWE week on USA. They could also save it for the big premiere of NXT on The CW, and a number of singles matches could let things play out until the big premiere, so it is doable. We’ll just have to wait and see.
What did you think of Lyra’s return to NXT? You can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!