WWE Reveals Lyra Valkyria's NXT Women's Title Challenger for Vengeance Day

WWE reveals that Roxanne Perez will be Lyra Valkyria's NXT Women's Title challenger at NXT Vengeance Day

Lyra Valkyria is currently dealing with the very unpredictable Tatum Paxley, but she is more intent on helping the Champion than she is going after the Title for herself. That means Valkyria needs a challenger, and tonight WWE NXT held a 20-woman Battle Royal to decide who that challenger would be. A stacked roster of superstars entered the match but it all came down to four women, with Fallon Henley, Kiana James, Roxanne Perez, and Kelani Jordan surviving the Battle Royal to enter the Fatal 4-Way match. Then it was a series of close calls, with all four stars coming close to winning the prize, but by the end, it was The Prodigy Roxanne Perez standing tall as the victor and earning the Title shot at NXT Vengeance Day.

As soon as the bell sounded it was mayhem, with two superstars rolling under the ropes to the floor. Gigi Dolin hit Jakara Jackson with a headbutt, knocking her to the floor and eliminating her from the match. Lash Legend tried to eliminate two stars at once, and though she couldn't initially, those stars were eliminated shortly after Lashley ran into them by the ropes. Kelani Jordan managed to save herself and escape elimination, but then Legend hit her and caused her to fly forward.

Jordan managed to avoid the floor yet again and ended up on the announce table, where she took a second to figure out how to get back in the ring without hitting the floor. Jordan was able to get on the barricade and walk all the way around to leap to the steel steps, getting her back in the match.

Then Fallon Henley punched Stevie Turner and knocked her to the floor, eliminating her. Lola Vice avoided elimination and Elektra Lopez helped her stay in, only to get thrown out by Vice. Then Tatum Paxley picked up Vice and eliminated her, and the duo of Lopez and Vice fought all the way to the back. Dolin tried to knock out Blair Davenport, but couldn't make it happen. Davenport then pulled the ropes down to send Dolin to the floor. Thea Hail then fought Davenport on the ring apron, and Karmen Petrovic hit Davenport and eliminated her. Petrovic was then kicked by Davenport before being rolled back into the ring, leaving her knocked out.

Paxley knocked back Legend to stay in the match, but then Legend hit a huge kick that sent Paxley reeling to the floor. Hail then eliminated Arianna Grace, but didn't have much time to celebrate thanks to Kiana James, who slammed Hail into the turnbuckle. Roxanne Perez fought to stay in the ring and so did Hail on the opposite side of the ring. Hail and Dame fought in the corner, and Hail seemed to win the exchange.

Hail went on a tear, even hitting Legend with a massive DDT. Hail continued to decimate the field, but Dame caught her and threw her out of the ring to the floor, eliminating the Chase U favorite. Henley then tried to eliminate James, and she almost did, but Dame saved her partner once again. Legend then went punch for punch with Dame, and they collided in the center of the ring. Henley and Perez teamed up to eliminate Dame, but Legend almost knocked out Henley with a vicious punch. Legend was then eliminated out of nowhere by Wren Sinclair, and then Sinclair almost eliminated James.

James then pushed Sinclair off the top rope and eliminated her, leading to the final four of Perez, Henley, Jordan, and James. All that was needed was a pin or submission at this point, and there was clearly still some bad blood between Henley and James. Jordan took out James and Dame on the outside, and Perez knocked out Henley on the other side. Perez and Jordan faced off back in the ring, but neither could get the pin. Jordan then got a near fall on Perez, and while Perez countered, Henley broke it up.

Henley then hit Perez with a dropkick and hit a DDT on Jordan, but the cover was broken up by James, and she tossed Henley into the ring post. James then speared Jordan and Perez, but Henley caught her with an elbow. James hit a spinebuster but Jordan and Perez broke up a cover attempt. They all exchanged kicks and strikes and James slammed down Jordan but Jordan got out of the ring before she could be pinned. James put Perez up top and then Perez tried to bring her down. Perez had the upper hand now and sent James flying to eh mat, but Jordan then hit frog splash out of nowhere only to have Perez break it up.

Jordan was alone in the ring with James, and she went up top for a moonsault only to have Dame drag James out of the ring. Perez then hit Pop Rocks on Jordan and went for the pin and got it, winning the number one contender spot. Perez will face Lyra Valkyria for the NXT Women's Championship at NXT Vengeance Day.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads @mattaguilarcb!