WWE Shocks Fans with New NXT North American Champion

WWE shocks everyone after Oba Femi cashes in Breakout contract and defeats Dragon Lee to become the new NXT North American Champion

WWE NXT Superstar Dragon Lee wasn't able to compete last week due to Visa issues, but he was back in action tonight and ready to defend his NXT North American Championship. It didn't take long for him to get a challenge for that Title from Lexis King, who had him sign a contract and make it official for later in the night. King would make a point to get Oba Femi's attention though ahead of the match, and that led to a shocking turn later. King would ultimately fall to Lee in the match, and Lee would retain his Title, but then Femi would cash in his Breakout Touarnemtn Contract on Lee, and after a brief encounter, Femi would defeat Lee and walk away the new NXT North American Champion.

Lee and King locked up to start the match and Lee reversed a move into a hold. Lee broke away from it and then started working on Lee's arm and wrist, and King locked in a hold of his own. Lee was knocked down but was off to the races, springing to and fro before hitting a dropkick on the challenger. Lee was caught and knocked to the floor by a dropkick from King, but King was tied up in the ropes after being confronted at ringside.

Lee took advantage, knocking the challenger to the floor. King kicked Lee into the steel steps and then slammed Lee into the barricade. King remained in control throughout the break, getting the Champ back in the ring and connecting with more strikes to the face. King cut off another comeback attempt with a kick and a cover, but Lee kicked out.

Lee would turn things around and kick King's leg out from under him and then connect with a big kick to the face in the corner. Lee hit another big dropkick to the head of King, and then another kick to the back of King followed. King challenged Lee to bring it, and they exchanged strikes and chops, but King hit a superkick under the jaw. Lee hit the same and then King hit a clothesline into a slam, but Lee kicked out of the cover attempt.

King didn't let Lee go and locked in the submission, only for Lee to grab the bottom rope. King was frustrated but ate a superkick from Lee. Lee then hit the Operation Dragon and got the pin and the win. Oba Femi then tried to cash in his Breakout Tournament Contract to face Lee, but Lee collided with Femi on the outside. The match was official, and Femi got hit with a kick to the head.

Femi lifted Lee and chucked him across the ring. Femi charged up in the corner and then got hit with a kick to the jaw from the Champ. Lee hit a Tornado DDT and went for the cover, but Femi kicked out. Lee went for another one but got caught and slammed down with a powerbomb into a cover, and he got the pin and the win. Femi is now your new NXT North American Champion.

What did you think of the match and the big twist cash-in? Let us know in the comments and as always you