WWE Accidentally Spoils the WWE Draft Order

Evidently, somebody on WWE’s digital team messed up and spoiled the WWE Draft before it began on […]

Evidently, somebody on WWE‘s digital team messed up and spoiled the WWE Draft before it began on Friday night.

Videos by ComicBook.com

WWE.com posted a “Draft Pool List” of all members of the roster who were eligible for the draft during SmackDown on FOX. It didn’t take long for astute observers to realize every single draft pick during SmackDown was happening in the same order the names were listed in the WWE.com article.

Check it out below.

This story was published following round two. When round three began, all of the picks had held true to this original list thus far. WWE became very aware of the problem and appeared to have made a slight switch for round three.

The first two picks in round three, Alexa Bliss and Lacey Evans, held true to the original list. At that point, a switch was made and Kevin Owens was drafted instead of the Viking Raiders. Then, it went right back to the published list with The Revival and Natalya being the final selections of round three.

Round four, the final of the night, saw some more changes to the order names were announced due to word getting out. However, everything ultimately stayed true to the original published list as far as which brand everyone went to, with everyone going to RAW and SmackDown remaining true to the original alternating order which would indicate which brand they were going to be headed to ahead of time.