WWE Superstar Accidentally Busted Open by a Chair on SmackDown

After a shocking sequence that involved a returning Charlotte Flair taking down Ronda Rousey, it was time for Imperium to take the ring, but they would soon find themselves confronted by Braun Strowman. That led to three on one encounter but Ricochet would make his way to the ring with a chair, and he would effectively clear the ring with it. Unfortunately, it appeared that Gunther accidentally ended up getting his head clipped with the chair and busted open, and as you can see in the video below, he was looked at by WWE staff outside of the ring (via Cody Watson).

Gunther was quickly attended to by personnel and given a towel as he left the ring area. Ricochet would swing at the other members of Imperium too, but they weren't hit. It was just unfortunate timing for Gunther and Ricochet, and hopefully, Gunther is okay and didn't sustain any serious injuries.

The whole reason Ricochet was in there was due to Strowman, who came out and told Gunther he was going to get a match for the Intercontinental Championship. Gunther dismissed him as did the rest of Imperium and started walking away, but then Strowman hit Gunther and told him he wasn't asking.

That resulted in Imperium hitting Strowman with the numbers advantage and keeping him still so that Gunther could lock him in a painful hold that put all the pressure on Strowman's shoulder and arm, and it was only Ricochet coming to his aid that stopped it from being an injury.

Later in the night, it was announced that Strowman would get his Intercontinental Championship match in two weeks on SmackDown, and it would probably help him for Ricochet to be at ringside to make sure Imperium doesn't try to stack the odds again.

Are you excited for their match-up? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!