WWE’s The Family Retains NXT Tag Team Titles with Help from Schism Traitors

The Family retains their WWE NXT Tag Team Titles with some help from two Schism traitors

The Family put their newly won WWE NXT Tag Team Championships on the line to start off tonight’s episode of NXT, and they would be facing Schism’s Jagger Reid and Rip Fowler. The entirety of Schism would be present around the ring though, but despite their clear numbers advantage, they would still find themselves hustled out of a win. That’s because late in the match most of Schism went to block Ivy Nile from interfering, and then two masked people took out Fowler and Reid, setting up D’Angelo and Stacks for the win.

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Schism was out in full force surrounding the ring, but D’Angelo wasn’t phased. D’Angelo slammed Fowler down and then tagged in Stacks, who knocked Fowler down to the mat hard and threw him to the corner. Stacks hit a dropkick on Fowler and then hit Fowler with a series of punches to the stomach as D’Angelo held him. Reid was able to tag in and knock D’Angelo around a bit, but D’Angelo countered with a suplex and tagged in Stacks.


Stacks stomped on Reid and then flipped Reid over into a hold. Fowler tagged in but Stacks had the better of both stars and D’Angelo helped a bit to knock them down. D’Angelo and Stacks hit Schism with punches to the stomach and threw them out of the ring, setting up Stacks for the big dive over the top rope.

Raine tried to get involved but D’Angelo and Stacks avoided any interference. D’Angelo got knocked off the ring apron though and then Reid shoved Stacks off the opposite apron, sending him crashing into the announce table. Reid clubbed Stacks with body blows before sending him neck first into the bottom rope.

D’Angelo was back on the apron but Schism wasn’t letting Stacks tag him in, knocking Stacks down with a double clothesline. Fowler then punched Stacks in the face before going for another move, but Stacks blocked it. Fowler hit a suplex and went for the cover, but Stacks kicked out. Fowler had Stacks in a hold and then Reid tagged in to keep Schism’s momentum.

Reid punched D’Angelo and that caused him to get in the face of the referee, which caused the referee to miss a Stacks cover. Stacks tried to get to his corner but Reid kept pulling him away. Reid tagged in Fowler though and Fowler clotheslined Stacks. D’Angelo was clearly getting frustrated, and Fowler kept hitting Stacks with punches. Fowler went for a suplex but Stacks got away and almost got to D’Angelo. Fowler caught his leg but Stacks kicked him away and pushed Reid away to finally get the tag.

D’Angelo knocked down Fowler and Reid and then stomped Folwer multiple times. Then D’Angelo stacked Reid on top and hit even more stomps. Big clotheslines came for both Schism members and then D’Angelo hit a spinebuster on Fowler before hitting a suplex on Reid. D’Angelo went for the cover but Reid kicked out.

Fowler tried to distract D’Angelo and Fowler got the secret tag. On the outside, Reid collided with D’Angelo and knocked him to the floor. Then Ivy Nile came out and caused all of Schism to converge. That led to two masked members slamming Fowler and Reid. Then D’Angelo got Fowler in the ring and got the pin and the win, retaining their Tag Team Championships.