WWE's Chase U Wins NXT Tag Team Title Shot at Heatwave

Chase U wins Tag Team Turmoil and will face Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the Tag Titles at NXT Heatwave

WWE NXT Heatwave isn't too far away, and tonight's NXT would have a big effect on the card. The night got things started with Tag Team Turmoil, which had five teams battling it out for the chance to challenge Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the NXT Tag Team Championships at Heatwave. The match would be done in waves, with New Catch Republic and Edris Enofe and Malik Blade kicking the match into gear. The match would then include Legado Del Fantasma, The Good Brothers, and Chase U, with New Catch Republic making it all the way to the finals. Chase U's new lineup was too much to overcome though, and as a result, the fan-favorite faction would walk away with a Title shot at Heatwave.

Bate impressed early with his usual brand of unique offense, and soon Dunne tagged in to stomp Enofe's arm. Blade tagged in and hit a double dropkick with Enofe on Bate, and then they hit a blockbuster on Bate and Duane and hit another one on Dunne to go for a pin. Dunne kicked out and clocked Enofe, and then Bate hit a clothesline and dove outside to knock Blade down. Enofe then reversed a move by Dunne to go for a pin, but Dunne kicked out. Enofe went up top but got caught by Dunne, and Enofe got slammed down and eliminated.

Legado Del Fantasma

Next up was Legado Del Fantasma's Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza, and they were locked in a double submission right away. Garza then held the ropes to send Bate careening out of the ring to the floor, and that seemed to turn the momentum of the match. Garza rocked Bate with a kick to the head, and then Garza tagged in Carrillo and went for a cover, but Bate kicked out. Bate was able to send Carrillo to the floor but Garza knocked Dunne off the ring apron. Garza went for a pin but a dropkick to the head from Dune saved the match. Garza went to set Bate up on the top rope, but Apollo Crews came out, causing a distraction that allowed Duane to balance the scales. Bate then hit Carrillo with the finisher and got the elimination.

Gallows and Anderson

Gallows and Anderson hit the ring and knocked both Dunne and Bate down hard. Anderson then connected with a vicious kick to the head, leaving Dunne and Bate in shambles for a minute. Dunne regrouped and went at Gallows, but an elbow drop led to a slam and a cover. Dunne kicked out and was able to fend off Gallows, but he ate a clothesline. Dunne grabbed Gallows and was able to buy some space, but Gallows tagged Anderson and knocked Dunne back down with a kick to the ribs.

Anderson tried to keep Duane from tagging Bate and he managed to slam Dunne into the opposite corner post. Anderson locked Dunne in a hold but he was finally able to get some space and tag Bate, who knocked Anderson to the mat before spinning him around on his shoulders. A slam followed and he tagged Dunne in, and they picked up Gallows only to have Anderson break it up. Dunne then got an inside cradle on Anderson, eliminating them from the tournament.

Chase U

Then it was Chase U's turn, with Duke Hudson and Andre Chase stepping into the ring. Chase brawled it out with Dunne for a minute and connected with a slam and several stomps. Dunne grabbed Chase's fingers and then locked in a hold on the ropes, delivering some vicious forearms to the chest and leaving Chase on the mat. Bate and Dunne then combined to stomp on Chase's hands and lifted him up for a slam, but he tagged Hudson, who delivered two one-armed power slams on the opposing team.

Hudson then pulled off a fantastic maneuver and reversed a move on the top rope, sending Bate to the mat. Hudson went for a powerbomb but got picked up by Bate instead, though Hudson was able to spin Bate around and slam him down into a cover attempt. Bate kicked out, and Hudson went for the slam again, but Bate picked him up instead and hit a suplex. Both teams tagged their partners in, and Dunne got to work, bringing Chase down with a powerbomb. Bate then hit a slam into a cover attempt, but Chase kicked out.

Dunne bent Hudson's fingers and Chase reversed a move from Bate only to get thrown out to the floor. Bate went for a dive but Ridge Holland pushed him out of the way, sending Bate to the floor. Chase then came in and brought Bate down to the mat for a cover and a win. Chase U will now face Axiom and Nathan Frazer at Heatwave.

Are you excited for NXT Heatwave? You can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!