Captain America: Civil War First Look At Black Panther Costume

A new set photo from Captain America: Civil War has revealed a first-look at Chadwick [...]

A new set photo from Captain America: Civil War has revealed a first-look at Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther costume.

The photo, which comes from Civil War's current production set in Berlin, shows Black Panther and The Winter Soldier scaling the side of a building. Black Panther's live-action costume lines up with the concept art that Marvel first revealed last year. But as to why Panther's hanging out with Bucky Barnes is anybody's guess. Based on this photo however, it might be safe to assume that Black Panther will align himself with Captain America once the superhero warfare begins.

You can view the photo below.

What do you think of Civil War's Black Panther costume? Let us know in the comments!

Captain America: Civil War opens on May 6, 2016. And to see when Black Panther's solo movie hits theaters, head to's comic book movie release schedule!

Via Reddit.