X-Men: Apocalypse Poster Gives First Look At En Sabah Nur

On the streets of San Diego, fans are being given a promotional poster by Fox ahead of their [...]

On the streets of San Diego, fans are being given a promotional poster by Fox ahead of their Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015 panel later Saturday evening. The poster, for X-Men: Apocalypse, features the titular villain (Oscar Isaac) looming as a shadow over a burning Xavier Mansion.

This fits in nicely with the video shown off by director Bryan Singer from the set the other day, which showed what looked like burning wreckage on the Mansion grounds. Eagle-eyed fans spotted what looked like it could be Apocalypse standing in the background of that quick Instagram video, as well.

Meanwhile, Isaac, who also attended the convention in support of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is sporting a haircut that looks quite similar to the poster in question.

We expect to see a more concrete look at the character and the film in general, which is in the midst of shooting, at tonight's panel.

X-Men: Apocalypse, directed by Bryan Singer, is due in theaters May 27, 2016.

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