'The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr' Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed

Necromancers, Dragons, and Khajiit - Oh, my! The Elder Scrolls Online team revealed their latest [...]

Necromancers, Dragons, and Khajiit - Oh, my! The Elder Scrolls Online team revealed their latest expansion today to kick off the Season of Dragons and for those interested in trying a new class out for themselves and getting lost in Tamriel once more, here's what you need to know about the pre-bonus goodies for the new Elsweyr DLC!

Not only with players get a phenomenal new storyline, a new zone to discover, and a crazy twist involving the Khajiit that we know and love, but those that reserve their copy early also get a few exclusive goodies to show off to the rest of the community:

  • Noble Clan Chief costume - The clans of Anequina in northern Elsweyr are largely nomadic, but they nonetheless have hereditary aristocracies who express their wealth and power through the splendor of their clothing.
  • Blue Dragon Imp pet - A clever Illusion Imp that's found a way to get free handouts and a warm place to sleep.
  • A Baandari Pedlar Crown Crate - A mystery collection of Baandari items!
  • Elsweyr Treasure Maps bundle – A collection of three Treasure Maps that will lead you to hidden riches.
  • Crown Experience Scrolls (x2) – 100% XP scrolls, created by a Priestess of Meridia, to help you get started on your adventures.

"In addition to the above, digital pre-purchases of the full Elsweyr Collector's Edition and Standard Edition (not Upgrades) provides immediate access to ESO base game, Morrowind Chapter, and Summerset Chapter. The Collector's Edition will also include the Collector's Edition items for each Chapter, too. Note that these editions will continue to include Morrowind and Summerset post-launch, but the only way to get immediate access before launch is by digitally pre-purchasing them."

There's also a collector's edition as well for those really wanting to go all in:

  • Senche-raht mount - Largest of all the furstocks, or "breeds" of Khajiit, the Senche-raht is fully intelligent, and in combat often serves simultaneously as warrior and mount.
  • Ashen Scar Jerboa pet - There are many in the Ashen Scar, and if you catch one when it's small, it makes for a pleasant, fuzzy friend.
  • Archaic Lore Tablets memento - Invoke these Tablets of Archaic Lore and they glow with the wisdom of ancient knowledge!
  • Khajiiti Culture Emote Pack - Cat-Folk Pack that includes the Cat Contemplation, Feline Hygiene, and Pedlar Beckoning emotes.
  • Dragonbone Outfit Style - Allows you to convert your gear to the Dragonbone style.

The new expansion arrives on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on June 4.

For more about the newest adventure, "Venture to the land of the Khajiit in The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr, our newest chapter, an epic story in an all-new zone. Face dread creatures from the past—Dragons!—and discover the dark skills of a new character class, the Necromancer, as you join with new friends and old enemies to save Elsweyr from war and devastation. ESO reaches new heights of storytelling with a war against the Dragons that unfolds and builds over four quarterly releases to an unexpected climax."