The Flash Gets Recruited for 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' in New Teaser

The CW has released a full set of teasers for the Arrowverse 'Crisis On Infinite Earths' crossover [...]

The CW has released a full set of teasers for the Arrowverse "Crisis On Infinite Earths" crossover event - one teaser for each of the shows involved. Above you can see the "Crisis" Teaser for The Flash, thanks to E! Online, which debuted the new "Crisis" clip exclusively on their site. One you watch that one, be sure to head over to our "Crisis" Page, where you will find the additional "Crisis on Infinite Earths" teasers for Arrow, Supergirl, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow - and the pivotal Black Lightning teaser, which contains the biggest SPOILER for "Crisis on Infinite Earths" that we've seen yet!

Check out The Flash's "Crisis" teaser above and get the full breakdown below!

The Flash teaser for "Crisis on Infinite Earths" sees Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) contacted by the Harbinger, who is some alternate version of Team Arrow member Spartan's wife, Lyla Michaels (Audrey Marie Anderson). Unlike some other heroes (Batwoman, Black Lightning), The Flash isn't shocked by the Harbinger's arrival or the oncoming threat of Crisis - mainly because he's the one hero who's known about it since his superhero career began! Sure, changes to the timeline during the course of The Flash has resulted in this different "Crisis" event than was originally teased, but since learning that he has little time left before The Flash is set to disappear during the Crisis event, Barry has been preparing.

Like Arrow, The Flash's current season has been balancing its titular hero's struggles with mortality and impending death against a more traditional seasonal storyline that's slowly but surely pulling the show's supporting characters center stage. However, Arrow as already laid the groundwork for Oliver Queen's legacy to continue in the upcoming Green Arrow and the Canaries spinoff show about the future Team Arrow; The Flash has simply been preparing fans for the series to continue without its titular character. So, either another speedster will show up to take Barry's place (and the show has floated several possible candidates) or The Flash is truly going to try and run the race without its best leg (very risky).

"Crisis on Infinite Earths" kicks off on Sunday, December 8 on Supergirl, runs through a Monday episode of Batwoman and that Tuesday's episode of The Flash. That will be the midseason cliffhanger, as the shows go on hiatus for the holidays and return on January 14 to finish out the event with the midseason premiere of Arrow and a "special episode" of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, which launches as a midseason series this year and so will not have an episode on the air before the Crisis.