Boruto: Naruto Next Generations just aired the pivotal conclusion to its Momoshiki Otsutsuki arc, with Naruto, Sasuke and Boruto uniting to finish the villain off in a spectacular battle that marks one of the series best productions.
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Indeed, “Father and Child” was an episode of Boruto that was chock-full of action, emotion, some stunning visuals, and warm Naruto nostalgia. So how are fans processing all of that? Check out the reactions to Boruto episode 65, below!
‘Boruto’ Has Arrived
Ep 65 of Boruto is the best episode of Boruto yet! fantastically choreographed taijutsu and amazing ninjutsu. Boruto FTW with the Vanishing Rasengan! #anime #Boruto65
โ Fu11M3ta1A1chm3st (@fu11_m3ta1) July 20, 2018
Borutoย has struggled at times in its first year of growth, but this episode seems to be the one that will finally establish it as a worthy successor toย Narutoย (kind of like Borutoย himself):
The Feels
Boruto ep 65!!!!!!!!! ???? so good!!!!
โ aldrin (@superalddd) July 20, 2018
Animeย fans are a passionate bunch, and this episode gave them an overload of reasons to let that passion burn bright.ย
Superior Artwork
Boruto episode 65 might be the best animated episode in the show
โ Patrick B (@PatrickBTheOne) July 20, 2018
BORUTO EP65 WAS SOOO GOOOOD!!!!!!! the fight scenes for ep64-65 (basically mostly fight sequences) were all drawn digitally with shifting camera motions (probably from 3d vfx progs) and there was no 3d modelling used whatsoever if i’m not wrong i’m… SO AMAZED
โ hahki (@haki_weeh) July 20, 2018
As we here atย reported,ย Borutoย episode 65 tapped some big talent in both Japan and America to create the gorgeous animation we saw:ย
So Litty
Boruto latest episode 65 was lit af ??
โ Tulang (@AmiraulMeireles) July 20, 2018
Boruto epi 65 was lit af.
โ Big Nol (@Myboi_Nolan) July 20, 2018
Youย knew it was coming! No episode of animeย can truly be great these days without the official stamp of “LIT AF!”ย
Anime Over Manga
โ hahki (@haki_weeh) July 20, 2018
– boruto ep64-65 basically had naruto movie standard animation
– don’t read boruto manga
Now here’s a hot take: This fan urges you to drop the mangaย and just experience theย Borutoย anime. As ep. 65 demonstrated, the animeย series surpassed both the original movie and mangaย in telling this story.ย
Witness Awesomeness
Watch Boruto episode 65. You will know awesome
โ Oluwamuyiwa (@madeyemo1) July 20, 2018
This is one holy proclamationย that you can definitely put your faith behind.ย
How We All Watched It
but did yall see episode 65 of Boruto!?!?
โ enoryT (@Call_Tyrone_) July 20, 2018
Yup, this pretty much sums up how every fan looked while watchingย Borutoย episode 65:ย
Is That You, IP Man
So when did naruto and IP man link because it look like bro know Wing Chun? #Boruto65
โ .Nate (@ImYoungEnough) July 20, 2018
This fan thinks he spots a martial arts Easter egg in Naruto’sย battle with Momoshiki:ย
So Weird, But So Right
After that boruto episode 65
โ UCHIHA NAVY ? (@Prhyme_EM) July 20, 2018
This is like playing one of those Pictionaryย games – but somehow the meaning just translates effortlessly:ย
Naruto Nostalgia
Boruto eps 65 awesome, battle Taijutsu nya melebihi yg versi movie and dis moment tho. ๐ #Boruto #series #anime #rasengan
โ Hadiruto UzuMoa (@hadiruto) July 20, 2018
For longtimeย fans ofย Narutoย andย Naruto: Shippuden: you’re excused for getting a little misty-eyed at this epic and touching callbackย montage.
What did you think ofย Borutoย episode 65? Are you looking forward to where the series and character go from here? Let us know in the comments!ย
You can catch the new episode ofย Boruto: Naruto Next Generationsย streaming on Crunchyroll and Hulu.