The fifth season finale of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure sees Giorno Giovanna and the rest of the cast in very different spots than when they started their adventures together. Numerous characters such as Bucciarati, Abbacchio, and Narancia are unfortunately six feet under but even their fate is better than the one delivered unto the villain of this season, Diavolo. The once boss of the Passione mafia is now caught in an eternal “death loop” thanks to the new powers of Golden Wind Requiem. So where does this leave Giorno Giovanna?
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The son of the villain Dio Brando, from the first and third seasons of the bizarre franchise, Giorno is shown in the post credit scene of the finale to have finally achieved his greatest goal of taking over the Passione mob. Accompanied by Mista and Polnareff, currently trapped in the body of a turtle, the new leaders of the gang will clearly attempt to take the gangster organization onto a more altruistic path.

Aside from a new Stand and a new position, Giorno is also sporting a new outfit that takes the basic design of his original style and paints it over with a nice coat of black to really nail home the Godfather feel. Aside from simply being the leader of one of the largest gangs in the world, Giorno also easily has one of the most powerful Stands to date, even putting his father’s Stand, The World, to shame with its terrifying capabilities.
You may be wondering how Giorno could have easily overtaken Passione, even with Diavolo out of the picture and the answer to that may be a tad more simple than you think. Since no one had ever seen the boss before, Giovanna could simply reveal that “he was the boss” and decided to tell the world his true identity.
Hopefully, a sixth season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will be confirmed soon and we’ll have the potential to see Giorno again down the road, as the franchise hasn’t hesitated from bringing back characters on a somewhat regular basis.
What did you think of Giorno’s utlimate fate in the fifth season finale? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Stands!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind is the fifth part of Hirohiko Araki’s series, and follows Giorno Giovanna, the son of former series villain Dio Brando, as he joins the mafia group Passione in order to change and reform them into reputable thieves and crooks from the inside. The anime adaptation premiered last October, and can be currently found streaming on Crunchyroll.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure was originally created by Hirohiko Araki for Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump in 1987. Currently the second longest running series in the magazine with over 100 volumes collected, the series tells the story of the Joestar family, who are each entwined in a destiny battling outrageous foes. The series has been split up into eight parts, with each part following a different generation of the Joestar family.