It’s time ladies and gentlemen. With Season Five of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure having wrapped up, what better time than now then to break down our top ten Stands from the series to date? Now a few ground rules before we dive headfirst into our list. First, we aren’t going to go past season five in the anime as there are a number of folks who haven’t caught up yet and, while some of them in part six and beyond would make the list, we want to be fair to those who are just fans of the anime. Second, our breakdown is based on a number of different factors including designs, abilities, and varying other factors that set each Stand apart. With that being said, let’s dive in to our ranking of the top ten Stands for heroic characters in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!
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Stand: Magician’s Red
Stand User: Mohammad Avdol
Description: Let’s get things started right with our number ten spot in the form of “Magician’s Red”. Taking its name from Tarot Cards versus the later music bands, singers, and songs, Avdol appeared in the first episode of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders and unleashed his bird like Stand to convince Jotaro that he was not being haunted by a ghost with his Star Platinum. Red’s powers are flame based and the phoenix is also insanely powerful when it comes to physical strength. If you want to the best summary of his power, just think of Pyro from the X-Men, in that Magician’s Red can manipulate flame to suit its needs.
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Stand: Purple Haze
Stand User: Pannacotta Fugo
Description: Poor Purple Haze. A victim of his own strength, Purple Haze and Fugo had to be basically written out of the season of Golden Wind as the Stand was simply too powerful. Fugo rarely used his Stand as its power of unleashing a deadly virus that spread within a certain proximity of itself made almost it unbeatable when compared to the other Stands we’ve seen thus far. It’s anger and blind rage really went a long way in presenting the terrifying visage along with its uncontrollable abilities. Definitely worthy of our Top Ten list for this one.
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Stand: Zipperman (Or Sticky Fingers in Japan)
Stand User: Bruno Bucciarati
Description: Let’s be real, Bruno is basically the protagonist of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. Along with his Stand, Zipperman, Bruno was able to lead his gang of Stand Users, Giorno included, to first protect Trish’s daughter and then attempt to take down Diavolo himself. Zipperman has a fantastic design and an interesting powerset, being able to not just open portals to allow teleportation, but also disconnecting body parts and other insane powers to boot!
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Stand: The Hand
Stand User: Okuyasa Nijimura
Description: Originally appearing as a villain with his brother, Nijimura basically became the “right hand man”, pun intended, to Josuke in the fourth season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Diamond Is Unbreakable. Okuyasa’s Stand has the unique ability of being able to erase anything that its right hand came into contact with, including but not limited to, the space in between objects. This made for some fantastic battles wherein space was being evaporated thanks to the Hand’s Stand powers. On top of its fantastic unique ability, the design stands out among Stands.
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Stand: Crazy Diamond
Stand User: Josuke Higashikata
Description: Crazy Diamond has the unfortunate placement of coming right after Star Platinum in the series. The fourth protagonist of the JoJo series has a Stand that just doesn’t stack up to its predecessor and its power of “restoration” can be used in a number of amazing ways throughout the fourth season, we don’t think it even compares to some of the other amazing Stands that appear in Diamond Is Unbreakable. Also, it’s design is bizarre even for a series that prides itself on such, there’s just too much going on.
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Stand: Echoes
Stand User: Koichi Hirose
Description: We have to admit, this one is kind of a cheat because it’s three Stands in one. As Koichi grows in the season, so to does his Stand which has three different forms as Act 1, Act 2, and Act 3. Having power over sound in general and then slowly moving toward having power over gravity itself, Echoes manages to be a triple threat that has three unique designs and works in showing the development of Koichi as a character over the span of the fourth season. To us, it stands out from Crazy Diamond and its design and powerset make it one of our favorites from Diamond Is Unbreakable!
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Stand: Sex Pistols
Stand User: Guido Mista
Description: Guido Mista’s Stand isn’t so high on the list because of its ability, though that certainly helps, it’s on the list because of its personality. All six of Mista’s bullets have unique personalities of their own and are constantly chiming in about any given situation that they’re currently involved in. The bullets themselves help to “steer” Mista’s rounds toward a specific target during his time in the fifth season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Golden Wind.
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Stand: Heaven’s Door
Stand User: Rohan Kishibe
Description: You may be wondering why we consider this the best heroic Stand from Diamond Is Unbreakable. The Stand of Rohan Kishibe is completely original, its power of turning someone’s face into an open book that allows Rohan to write inside of it is so completely out there that we can’t wrap our heads around it. Granted, it doesn’t have a personality of its own separate from Rohan, but its powers and appearance are entirely formed from Kishibe’s profession, his personality, and his dreams. There’s something to be said for creating a Stand so perfect for a character and pound for pound, this is one of them.
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(Picture: David Production)
Stand: Golden Wind Requiem
Stand User: Giorno Giovanna
Description: We’re kind of cheating again with this one and while it only appeared at the end of the fifth season, Golden Wind’s final form is so powerful and has such a better design than its original form, that it had to make its way this high up the ranking. Aside from having the ability to throw out machine gun like punches and changing inorganic objects into organic ones, its final attack makes it the most dangerous Stand around. Should Requiem hit its target, it will place the opponent into a never ending loop of death. Just go ahead and ask Diavolo how much he likes dying every few minutes and you can realize Golden Wind has earned this high spot.
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Honorable Mentions That Didn’t Make Our Top Ten: Silver Chariot, Silver Chariot Requiem, Moody Blues, Spicy Lady, Hermit Purple, Hierophant Green, and Lil Bomber

Stand: Star Platinum
Stand User: Jotaro Kujo
Description: When you think of Stands, let’s be real, you think of Star Platinum. The first major Stand introduced into the series, Jotaro Kujo brought forth Star Platinum to help on his path to defeat the generational villain of Dio. Sporting the standard “Ora Ora Ora” that the series has become so known for. At first, its powers of strength and speed are unmatched but when it then gains the power of freezing time, Star Platinum reaches an entirely new level of its own and easily takes our number one spot.