Dragon Ball Super‘s anime has been keeping fans in a perpetual state of waiting for going on two years now, but the manga has managed to move ahead with its story just fine. The current Dragon Ball Super manga arc, “Galactic Patrol Prisoner” has introduced a deadly new villain threat, while also setting the stage for both Goku and Vegeta to achieve their respective latest power-ups. With the climax of “Galactic Patrol Prisoner” now playing out in the manga, there will soon be a big question in need of answering: namely, what should Dragon Ball Super do after the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc is done?
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Well, given everything we’ve seen from Dragon Ball Super so far – and more importantly, everything we haven’t seen, there are two great possibilities for Dragon Ball Super‘s next arc: either taking things up to the heavens, or back down to hell!
Starting with heaven: what sets Dragon Ball Super apart from Dragon Ball Z is that DBS has expanded the series focus to incorporate an entire race of divine beings, with an entire system of governing the multiverse. Many fans have long theorized (or hoped for) Dragon Ball Super to finally reach its true focus: what happens when Saiyans become a big enough power to rival the gods themsevles?
That very question is being explored in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game and promo anime, which is now starting its “Big Bang Mission” arc, which will see the Lord Beerus and his fellow Gods of Destruction rise up against Goku and co. Dragon Ball Super’s manga is about to give Goku the full godly power of Ultra Instinct in order to defeat Moro. That seems like the perfect springbroad for the next arc to cover just how the gods and angels of the universe respond to pivotal milestone in the evolution of a mortal warrior.
The other side of that discussion (literally and figruratively) is Demon Realm. The original Dragon Ball series dealt heavily with the supernatural and demonic elements of the series, but Dragon Ball Super, as stated, has been much more focused on the cosmic side of things. However, a large part of Super Dragon Ball Heroes story has involved the Demon Realm – and the latest arc apparently will too. The key detail of Dragon Ball‘s newest manga villain, Planet-Eater Moro, is that he’s a powerful sorcerer and wielder of some very dark magic. In Dragon Ball, if it’s evil and related to magic, than it can easily be tied back to The Demon Realm. If (when) Moro is defeated, either that shakeup to the magical plane could awaken something more sinister in the Demon Realm, or Moro himself could end up banished there, and somehow rally the dark forces of the Demon Realm to his cause.
The best part of either of these scenarios is that they’re not mutually exclusive. Super Dragon Ball Heroes has proven there’s room for the Gods and Devils of the Dragon Ball universe in one storyline – so why can’t the manga do the same?
What would you like to see next after Dragon Ball Super‘s Moro Arc? Let us know in the comments below!
The Japanese-language and English dub releases of Dragon Ball Super are now complete and available to stream with FunimationNOW and Crunchyroll. Viz Media is releasing new chapters of the manga at a monthly rate that can be read entirely for free through the Shonen Jump digital library, and Dragon Ball Super’s big movie, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, is now available on Blu-ray and DVD. Fans in Japan are also able to enjoy fresh non-canon adventures from the franchise with new episodes of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ promotional anime series.