
Alien Vs Predator Fans Plead For Disney to Release The Anime Series


Alien Vs. Predator as a franchise has been a big part of the science fiction scene for longer than you might think. The first confrontation featuring the alien hunter and the xenomorphs arrived as a Dark Horse comic in 1989 and has continued long past the first series. Recently, a former executive for 20th Century Studios revealed that not only had an Alien Vs. Predator anime been approved, but it was completed, only to remain locked away. Hearing the news fans of both franchises, and anime fans in general, are begging Disney to release the finished series.

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For those who might have missed the bombshell that an Alien Vs. Predator anime exists, former Fox Executive, Joshua Izzo, spilled the beans on podcast Perfect Organism. Here’s what Izzo had to say when it came to the original plans for the completed anime’s release, “”This was going to be initially released on Alien Day in 2016. That was the plan. Now what happened was, as we were going forward Ridley came back to Fox and said “I want to make another alien movie.” This was going to be Covenant. And Shane came and said “I want to make a Predator movie” which was going to be The Predator. AvP as a brand was something that was frowned upon at the time at Fox because those movies underperformed but meanwhile the intellectual property…just those words put together – Alien versus Predator –  from a consumer products and a publishing perspective still worked.”

Anime Vs Predator

At present, there has been no word from Disney when it comes to the release of the Alien Vs. Predator anime. It’s clear however that with the groundswell of fans hoping to see this one day, the chances of it being released might tick up as a result. With the crossover remaining a major part of the science fiction world, the two alien races are sure to butt heads in some form or fashion down the line. 

Do you think the Alien Vs. Predator anime will one day see the light of day? What do you think the best Alien Vs. Predator story to date is? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of these deadly horror icons.

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