Anime Meet Draws Backlash After Event Closes California COVID Vaccination Site
Earlier this month, the Internet cast doubt on San Diego Comic-Con when the event announced it [...]
Earlier this month, the Internet cast doubt on San Diego Comic-Con when the event announced it would host an in-person event this Thanksgiving, but the holiday drama has been replaced by a different ordeal this week. With COVID vaccinations ramping up to battle variant outbursts, states like California are being looked at closely as the state's massive population waits to be vaccinated. And according to a new report, an upcoming anime event will be disrupting vaccinations in Placer County.
The update comes from Anime News Network which reports the drama began awhile back with SacAnime. California's Placer County has announced vaccinations expected on April 1-2 will not happen as the Placer Valley Event Center will be "closed for [an] event at [the] venue." The event in question is the SacAnime swap meet which is slated for April 2-4.
SacAnime has addressed the controversy in a new statement, and the event says the event center "never had plans to be open" on April 1-2 when the swap meet was planned. The anime organization also says the event center declined offers from SacAnime to restrict event space in favor of expanding vaccination areas. However, it seems dialogue has broken down between the groups, and the Placer Valley Event Center is now extending hours Monday through Wednesday to accommodate vaccine demands.
This situation is unfolding as vaccination efforts ramp up nationwide for COVID-19 amongst variant breakouts. SacAnime had to cancel two events last year due to the pandemic as well as one scheduled for this January. Back in September, it did hold an outdoor swap meet, and a second was scheduled for April 2021 shortly after. Now, netizens are sharing reactions to this latest convention ordeal as county residents question the pros of hosting a large gathering at their primary vaccination site.
What do you make of this controversy? Would you be comfortable attending a convention anytime soon? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.