Attack on Titan’s anime is officially ending its run over ten years after it first hit screens around the world, and the creator behind it all is marking the occasion with a special new sketch for the release of the final episode! Attack on Titan’s anime is reaching its grand finale after splitting up the final season of its series across multiple years and multiple parts, so it’s been quite the tough wait for fans as they eagerly wait to see how it all comes to an end. But it’s been an even tougher wait for the creator behind it all, Hajime Isayama.ย
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Following several days of counting down and several months since the first half of the anime’s finale premiered earlier this year, Attack on Titan Final Season THE FINAL CHAPTERS Special 2 has officially released in Japan. While fans outside of Japan wait for their chance to see the final episode in action, Attack on Titan creator Hajime Isayama is thanking fans for all of their support for the anime over the years with some special art for the final episode. Check it out below:ย
Where to Watch Attack on Titan Final Episode
Attack on Titan‘s creator had the following to save about the anime’s ending, “It’s been 10 years since the anime started. Thank you very much for sticking with us through all that time. The climax scene that happens in the last half of the final season was very hard to draw in the original manga, as well, so I couldn’t help but think, ‘This is going to be rough for MAPPA. MAPPA is probably thinking ‘Please stop.’ I’m sorry, MAPPA, I’m really sorry.’ Even then, I’m very excited to see how it’ll turn out in the anime.ย Also this time, by my request, I got to draw a little of the rough draft toward the end. Please watch until the end.”
Running for 85 minutes in total and adapting the final chapters of Hajime Isayama’s original manga, Crunchyoll teasesย Attack on Titan Final Season THE FINAL CHAPTERSย as such, “The fate of the world hangs in the balance as Eren unleashes the ultimate power of the Titans. With a burning determination to eliminate all who threaten Eldia, he leads an unstoppable army of Colossal Titans towards Marley. Now a motley crew of his former comrades and enemies scramble to halt his deadly mission, the only question is, can they stop him?”
Can you believe Attack on Titan is finally coming to an end? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!