Attack on Titan is preparing to begin its final episodes at the beginning of next month on March 3rd, bringing back the Scout Regiment to face off against their former friend Eren Jaeger, aka the new Founding Titan. Following the success of the previous opening theme, “The Rumbling” by the band known as SiM, it should come as no surprise to see the musicians returning for the last installments of the series that will end the conflict featuring the Eldians of Paradis and the world that hates them.
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The final opening track for Attack on Titan’s anime adaptation is titled “Under The Tree”, which should come as a familiar reference to those that have been following the dark franchise from its beginnings. When the series first started, Mikasa found Eren Jaeger sitting under a tree, and the jacket art for the upcoming track was also revealed, hinting at the final moments of the original controversial ending. While the manga did change things up thanks to creator Hajime Isayama making a “director’s cut” which dove far deeper into the finale, it has yet to be confirmed if Studio MAPPA will adapt these events or stick to the first ending that waved goodbye to Attack on Titan.
Under The Titan
Earlier today, Attack on Titan released a new trailer for the final episodes of the series, as season four of the anime adaptation is planning to bring the Scout Regiment’s journey to a close thanks to two longer specials that will see Eren and his former friends fighting for the fate of the world:
“The Rumbling” became so successful that it has become one of the most listened-to anime tracks of all time, with SiM’s theme song being streamed millions upon millions of times by fans. To help in the arrival of this new tune, the lead singer of SiM, MAH, released comments regarding “Under The Tree”:
“While incorporating elements such as orchestral strings and choir, which are indispensable for talking about the outstanding masterpieces so far, along with “Ellen’s Scream”, SiM’s unique deep bass, just like “earth rumbling”. It was “The Rumbling” that aimed for a song that would be devastating. To be frank, I was a little worried until the release of what kind of response it would have, but I feel that the answer is that I was entrusted with the ending of this important episode that reaches the final phase of this story. This time, “UNDER THE TREE” is Mikasa’s song.”