The world of anime is still reeling from the loss of the legendary mangaka Kentaro Miura, the creator of the dark fantasy epic known as Berserk, and one fan has drawn a touching tribute that bids farewell to the creator and the Band of the Hawk that affected the lives of many fans the world over. While the future of the series is still uncertain, with many debating as to whether or not the series will continue under the assistants of Kentaro Miura, anime fans still recognize that they have lost a major influence in the medium.
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While Berserk currently doesn’t have an anime series running, the manga has continued to tell the story of Guts, his friends, and his enemies over the decades since Kentaro Miura first introduced the Band of the Hawk in the 1980s. In the latest chapter, Guts is taken aback when the “Moonlight Boy” appears before him in the land of Elfheim, with the revelation of his presence perhaps being the final scene that anime fans will ever get from the manga. Though the young boy’s identity remains a mystery, many believe that it is in fact the lost son of Guts and Casca, whose fate has been tied to both the world of humans and demons as a result of the Eclipse.
Twitter Artist Warrick Wong shared this touching piece that honors creator Kentaro Miura and the tragic characters of Berserk, granting them a moment of peace in a world that is infested with demons and betrayals around every corner:
MIURA: Goodbye – Those of you who have been following my work for a while know how influential Berserk has been for me, so when Master Miura passed, it hit me like a tonne of bricks…I needed to process what happened and I feel as if pouring my heart out here will help me
— Warrick Wong (@warrickwong) May 25, 2021
The future of Berserk is anyone’s guess at this point, but we definitely wouldn’t mind seeing another anime series take a crack at the world of the Band of the Hawk considering how beloved the franchise is and how rich its story is thanks to the insane work done by Kentaro Miura.
What do you think of this touching tribute? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Band of the Hawk.