Blue Eye Samurai Creators Wants 4 Seasons and a Movie

The creators of one of Netflix's biggest animated hits of 2023 have some big plans for the future.

Blue Eye Samurai was one of the sleeper hits of 2023 for Netflix. Receiving some major accolades from critics, creators, and animation fans, the series focusing on a brutal story of revenge was renewed for a second season to continue following the story of its protagonist, Mizu. In a recent interview, creators Amber Noizumi and Michael Green confirmed that they have a lot more planned for this animated series, hoping to receive four seasons and a movie at least.

Blue Eye Samurai hit the ground floor running with eight episodes for its first season, using stylish computer-generated animation to chronicle its bloody story. In speaking with outlet Screen Rant, Green and Noziumi not only confirmed that they have the series plotted out in their minds, but wouldn't mind taking the opportunity to create spin-offs within the universe.

(Photo: Netflix)

Blue Eye Samurai: Four Seasons And A Movie

"Amber Noizumi: We have a lot of stories in our hearts, that we're just waiting to make. We need everybody to watch it, starting November 3rd, and then there will be a season two.

Michael Green: Yes, which we have.

Amber Noizumi: Yeah.

Michael Green: It is plotted out. Season two has an approved outline. In our heart of hearts, we want to tell at least three, four seasons. We know the end of this story. We would love to continue. We know the spinoff-

Amber Noizumi: A spinoff series, where Ringo-

Michael Green: We know exactly where this goes in the future. We are just hoping that the audience for original content shows up and necessitates further storytelling."

If you haven't had the opportunity to check out Blue Eye Samurai as of yet, the first season is currently streaming on Netflix. Here's how the streaming service describes the animated series, "In 17th-century Japan, when borders are closed to the outside world, citizens would never see a face that was not Japanese, except in rare cases of illegal trade. Our hero, Mizu (Erskine), knows there were only four white men in Japan at the time of her birth and sets off to kill these men, one of whom might be her father, who made her a 'creature of shame.' But revenge is not an option for women, so Mizu must forge her revenge quest while hiding her gender as well as her blue eyes." 

What did you think of the story of the Blue Eye Samurai? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime. 

Via Screen Rant