Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is taking a break from the war against the Kara Organization in its anime adaptation. While Team 7 has undergone some tragic anime-only adventures recently, losing a number of comrades during the battle of the Land of Water, the next arc is set to be a light-hearted one. The newest member of the Uzumaki Clan, Kawaki, is set to join Konoha’s ninja academy and he won’t be going alone.
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Alongside Kawaki, Boruto’s sister, Himawari, will also be attending the Hidden Leaf Village’s Ninja Academy, exploring events that haven’t taken place in the manga, and more than likely never will. Since joining both Konoha and the Uzumaki Family, Kawaki has been mellowing out from his days as a Vessel for the Kara Organization, no longer set to be the body that Jigen would one day take over. With Jigen now dead, the dangers that Konoha faced are far from over as Jigen’s underling Code has decided to reforge the organization with new members. With Naruto losing the Nine-Tailed Fox and Sasuke losing the power of the Rinnegan, the time has come for Boruto and Kawaki to step up to the plate in a brand new way.
Titled the “Himawari Ninja Academy Arc”, it would appear that the anime adaptation of Masashi Kishimoto’s Shonen sequel series will dedicate a number of episodes to two members of the Uzumaki Family learning their ninja ways:
“Kawaki And Himawari are in the same class? Himawari works hard every day to become a good ninja! Kawaki infiltrates the ninja academy as a student! They get on well and got to school together every day!?”
The new arc will begin with Episode 262 of the anime adaptation, though things are wildly different in the pages of the manga. With the current storyline taking a hiatus for the month of July, Code and his new Kara Organization are now at odds following the right-hand man of Jigen gaining a major power boost thanks to kidnapping Amado. With the power structure now thrown for a loop, anything seems like it could happen with Masashi Kishimoto now at the helm.
What do you think the future holds for Kawaki and Himawari at Konoha’s Ninja Academy? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Hidden Leaf Village.