Demon Slayer Season 3 Cliffhanger Finally Revisits Muichiro

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has returned to screens around the world for its highly anticipated Season 3 as part of the new wave of anime hitting during the Spring 2023 anime schedule, and the cliffhanger from the Demon Slayer Season 3 premiere finally brought the Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokito, back to the anime! Demon Slayer Season 1 ended with the full reveal of the Hashira line up, and teased that fans would one day get to see the Demon Slaying Corps strongest fighters in action in the anime's future. Demon Slayer Season 3 is fulfilling that promise for two more of the Hashira. 

Demon Slayer Season 3 is tackling the Swordsmith Village Arc from Koyoharu Gotoge's original Demon Slayer manga, and like the previous two arcs of the anime, this new season brings in two more of the Hashira into the fight. With the Demon Slayer Season 3 premiere also reintroducing the Love Hashira, Mitsuri Kanroji, to the anime, the final moments of the episode tease the return of the second of the Hashira, Muichiro as Tanjiro spots him in a forest. 

Demon Slayer: Why Is Muichiro Back In the Anime?

Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc Episode 1 sees Tanjiro Kamado recovering from everything that happened from the Entertainment District Arc in Season 2 of the Demon Slayer anime, and with his sword still broken, Tanjiro heads to the titular village of the season to figure out his next steps. While walking outside of the village to better recover and potentially train his stamina back up, the final moments of the premiere see Tanjiro spotting Muichiro arguing with a kid from the village who is defending something behind him. 

This object seems to be very familiar to Tanjiro, but it's clear that Muichiro has a major interest in it to the point where he's willing to argue with a child in order to use it. But because the Mist Hashira keeps the same kind of disillusioned poker face that fans got to see in the Hashira's initial debut way back in Season 1, so there are all sorts of questions that will need to be answered as to why Muichiro is in the village as well. 

How do you feel about seeing Mucihiro return to Demon Slayer's anime with Season 3's premiere? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!