Demon Slayer is one of the hottest franchises out today and that is no secret. The series has hit unprecedented sales where its manga and anime are concerned. With its first movie now the highest-grossing film in Japan to date, the sky is the limit for Tanjiro, so there is little doubt more anime is on the way. But one big question remains about how the next project will be formatted.
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To date, no official word has gone live regarding the second season of Demon Slayer. Fans have long assumed such plans were in the works, and recent reports from Japan suggest as much is true. Still, the show’s production committee is keeping things quiet, so fans are left to guess as to the future of Demon Slayer.

There seem to be two roads ahead of Demon Slayer: television and film. The anime has tried out both venues to great success, so the question stands which will be turned to next. The first season of Demon Slayer earned rave ratings during its run, and it made regular headlines on social media. In fact, reruns of the show continue to bring in hits to this day, and the TV series is largely credited for bolstering the popularity of Tanjiro’s tale. A second season will theoretically only boost its images more so, but there is a lot of money riding in the box office.
Demon Slayer has grossed more than $340 million USD worldwide since its debut in October, and that is a staggering amount given the pandemic. The film is the fifth highest-grossing in the world this year, and its competitors all made their money before the pandemic hit. Demon Slayer is a true anomaly amidst COVID-19 as it has saved the Japanese box office. Toho has admitted it is willing to distribute a second film should one be put into development, and its domestic box office all but assures a second film is on the way.
As for which of these venues will be streamlined next, there is no telling. Fans agree they would like a new season to debut ASAP as this format is easier to distribute globally with minimal delays. It will take some time before Demon Slayer can bring its movie to the West especially in light of COVID-19, but a new season could be simulcast weekly. So if we had to pitch in our vote, we are going with a new season all the way!
What do you think about the future of Demon Slayer? Would you prefer a movie to a second season or no? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.