Case Closed has been one of the longest-running anime franchises of all time, first beginning in 1996. Giving the Straw Hat Pirates of One Piece fame a run for their money, Detective Conan is about to release its twenty-seventh movie in Japan. The Million Dollar Signpost will hit theaters in the East this spring and has a new preview to show anime fans what is in store for the pint-sized sleuth who has spent decades to reclaim his adulthood.
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Detective Conan’s story might be one of the biggest anime franchises in the world but it suffers from a big problem in North America. Much like the Pokemon franchise, Case Closed is quite difficult to find streaming in its entirety in the West. Split across different streaming services, with some installments unavailable on any platform, capturing the entirety of the anime’s story will be a tough task for any Western anime fan.
The Million Dollar Trailer
If this is your first time hearing of the next movie in the Case Closed franchise, here’s how TMS describes the upcoming adventure, “A notice from Kaito Kid arrived at the repository of the Onoe Zaibatsu in Hakodate, Hokkaido. This time, Kid is aiming for a Japanese sword which is said to be related to Toshizo HIijikata, the vice commander of Shinsengumi, who lived in the end of Edo period. Why does Kid, who has pursued Big Jewel, go after the sword? Meanwhile, Heiji Hattori, the great detective from the west, and Conan, also visited the site for a kendo tournament to be held in Hakodate. On the day of the crime announcement, Heiji discovers Kid’s disguise and hunts him down…!?
The description continues, “At the same time, the body with a cross cut on the chest was found in Hakodate warehouse district. A Japanese-American man known as the “Merchant of Death” who works as an arms dealer throughout Asia has emerged from the investigation. He was looking for treasures believed to have been hidden somewhere in Hakodate by the first head of the Onoe family, who was heavily involved in the war industry during the World War II. Rumor has it that it is such a powerful weapon that it could change the war situation that Japan was losing at the time… And the treasure and the sword Kid is aiming at seem to have something kind of connection. The shadow of a mysterious swordsman looms over Kid who is aiming at the sword.”