Pokemon: Detective Pikachu is now out in theaters, and fans are seeing how their favorite Pokemon are making the jump to the big screen. But one of the biggest draws of the film is the new way many of these series favorites are getting realistic looking makeovers. The trailers and teasers have been pretty open about many of the cameo appearances, but not all have been revealed.
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But what can fans look forward to when seeing the film? Many of these Pokemon cameos are blink and you’ll miss it, or seen walking in the background of this living and breathing world. So below you’ll find a list of all the live-action Pokemon cameos in the film.
Naturally, there are a few mild spoilers to describe exactly when these Pokemon appear. Outside of the specific Pokemon partners who make multiple appearances, the rest of the list is ordered in the relative order of appearance for each ‘mon. Read on to learn more about the cameos!
Pokemon: Detective Pikachu is now out in theaters, and you can read our spoiler-free review of the film here. The official synopsis for Pokemon: Detective Pikachu reads as such, “The story begins when ace detective Harry Goodman goes mysteriously missing, prompting his 21-year-old son Tim to find out what happened. Aiding in the investigation is Harry’s former Pokรฉmon partner, Detective Pikachu: a hilariously wise-cracking, adorable super-sleuth who is a puzzlement even to himself.”
Exciting news, Pokemon fans — A Wild Podcast Has Appeared, the official Pokemon podcast of ComicBook.com, is here! Check it out by clicking here or listen below.
On today’s episode, we talk about how playing too much Pokemon changes our brains as kids, the new Pokemon Unbroken Bonds Trading Card Game set, Detective Pikachu coming to Pokemon GO!, and more! Make sure to subscribe now to never miss an episode!

Pikachuย is Harry Goodman’s partner Pokemon, and Tim meets him soon after finding out his father has died in an accident. Together, the two of them try and figure out what really happened to Tim’s father as they look into theย source of a mysterious drug.ย ย

Psyduckย is the partner Pokemon to Lucy Stevens (Kathryn Newton), a junior reporter who eventually gets wrapped up in the mystery and befriends Tim and Pikachu as they try and figure out the source of a mysterious drug.ย

Ditto is the partner Pokemonย of Howard Clifford. There’s a unique twist on its transform abilities that has never been seen in the Pokemonย universe. So it’s reveal is a bit of a surprise.ย

Mewtwoย plays a pivotal role in the film. An experiment on it at the beginning of the film, and a resulting accident, spur the plot of the film in motion. It appears a few times throughout the film.ย

Mew does not appear in the film completely, but it does get a brief mention in a newspaper Tim briefly sees. It’s also the source of DNAย for the Mewtwo experiments.ย
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Pidgeot

Pidgey and Pidgeottoย are two of the first Pokemon cameos fan see in the film. In a shot establishing Tim’s hometown of Leaventown, they are seen flying briefly before. Pidgeot appears later in Rymeย City, hidden in the skies of one of the city scenes.ย

A small line of Joltikย walk behind one another in a forest nearย Leaventownย in the beginning of the film. They also briefly walk along a telephone wire near the Oak Apartments.ย
Doduo and Dodrio

Doduo and Dodrioย are seenย in a field in Leaventownย around the same time as the Pidgeys and Joltik.ย

There are a few in a fenced off field in Leaventown, and one quickly appears as a Ditto transformation in a battle toward the end of the film.ย

Cubone is found crying alone in a field by Tim and his experienced Pokemonย trainer friend, and is actually becomes Tim’s first attempt at catching a Pokemon. It appears as a Ditto transformation later in the film.ย

Lickitungย appears next to Tim when he’s on a train from Leaventown to Rymeย City. It’s as gross and hilarious as you would expect.ย

Charmanderย initially appears in a Rymeย City promotional video seen early in the film, but pops up on a few other occasions in crowd scenes.ย

Squirtleย appears in the same Rymeย City promotional video as Charmander, and also appears in crowds. There’s a brief little scene where Squirtleย is helping a group of fire fightersย too.ย
Growlithe, Arcanine, Golurk

Arcanineย first appears in the Rymeย City promotional video, and can be later seen in crowd shots. Growlitheย only appears in the crowd shots, however. Golurkย appears in fromย of the Rymeย City police department.

In the promotional Rymeย City video, Howard Clifford (Bill Nighy) discusses his time with Pokemon and there’s a quick shot of Clifford in a remote area surrounded by friendly Totodile.ย

Sneasalย appears in several crowd shots in Rymeย City.ย
Pancham, Pangoro

Pancham and Pangoroย notably appear in a small bamboo installation in the middle of a plaza. As Tim walks toward the police station, he walks by a few Panchamย cuddling with their parent Pangoro.ย
Snorlax, Machamp

As seen in the trailers, Snorlaxย is asleep in the middle of a road and is blocking traffic in Rymeย City. Machampย is directing traffic around it.ย

Snubbullย is the partner Pokemonย of Detective Hideoย Yoshidaย (Ken Watanabe), a Rymeย City police lieutenant and colleagueย of Tim’s father, Harry Goodman.ย

Audinoย is seen in a few crowd shots, and is the partner of a CNMย reporter later in the film.ย

Greninjaย is hidden in a few crowd shots, notably when Tim and Pikachu walk through an area with a bunch of food booths. But they serve as a chaotic entity later in the film when Tim and Pikachuย investigate a mysterious laboratory.ย

As seen in the trailers, Jigglypuffย is seen singing a very familiar song as Tim and Pikachuย briefly talk in a diner late at night.ย
Rufflet, Braviary

Ruffletย gets a blink and you’ll miss it in a crowd scene, but Braviaryย can be seen flying around a building in the middle of a fight at the end of the film.ย

Treecko appears in a few scenes, but its most notable cameo is when Tim gets to the Oak apartments for the first time and one is sleeping on the glass of the landlord’s office.ย

A group of Aipomย hang out in the alleys of Rymeย City, and notably around the area of Oak Apartments where Tim’s father lives.ย

Feraligatrย appears on a poster in Tim’s childhood bedroom.ย

Hypnoย is one of the Pokemonย featured on posters on Tim’s childhood bedroom wall.ย

Steelix is also of the Pokemon featured on posters on Tim’s childhood bedroom wall.

Dragonite is another one of the Pokemon featured on posters on Tim’s childhood bedroom wall.

Unfortunately Rayquaza’s cameo is not given a makeover, but fans can see its classic design as one of the posters on Tim’s wall.ย
Latios and Latias

Latios and Latias are also seen on posters on Tim’s bedroom wall.ย
Reshiram and Zekrom

Reshiranย and Zekromย also appear on posters in Tim’s bedroom along the other Legendariesย mentioned previously.ย

Loudred first appears in a crowd scene where Tim and Pikachuย walk through a night market. A group of them are also used as the sound system in an underground battle ring. Loudredย also makes another brief appearance in a battle with a Ditto.ย

Octilleryย can be briefly seen behind Pikachu as it walks through its stand at a night market.ย

Emolgaย can be briefly seen behind Pikachu as it walks through its stand at a night market.ย

Rattataย scamper throughout many scenes in the film, but can most prominently be seen in the night market scene.ย

Though it doesn’t appear fully, a Noctowlย is used as part of the sign for a coffee shop/diner that Tim and Pikachu visit.ย

Purrlion and its look alike trainer are two of the patrons reacting to Tim and Pikachuย when they enter the Noctowlย diner.ย

As seen in the trailers, Ludicoloย serves Pikachuย coffee at the Noctowlย diner.

Slaking appears sleeping next to a catering table in a news station during an important conversation between Tim and budding reporter Lucy.ย
Mr. Mime

As seen in the trailers, Mr. Mime is approached by Tim and Detective Pikachu during a memorable interrogation scene.ย
Gengar, Blastoise

Gengarย is battling Blastoiseย in an underground ring known as the “Roundhouse Arena.” Loudredย is here as well acting as a sound system for the DJ and announcer.ย

Topepiย is held by one of the patrons in the Roundhouse Arena and can be seen behind Sebastian (who runs the arena) when he and Tim exchange heated words.ย
Magikarp, Gyarados

As seen in trailer, Magikarpย is unwittingly thrown into the fray in the Roundhouse Arena and Gyarados’ cameo comes shortly after. If fans remember Magikarp’sย famous evolution scene in the anime, then this might seem familiar.ย

Charizard is Sebastian’s partner Pokemon, and as seen in the trailers does battle against Pikachu.ย

Graveler is one of the many Pokemon seen in the Roundhouse Arena when it all breaks loose following the events of the Pikachu and Charizardย battle.ย
Eevee, Flareon, Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus

An Eeveeย sits on the desk of Howard Clifford (Bill Nighy)’s office before it’s evolved into Flareonย with a Fire Stone.ย
Unfortunately like the other Legendary Pokemon, Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus only appear as art. They make up the three statues sitting behind Howard Clifford’s desk.

Spoinkย doesn’t appear in the film completely, but instead is a bobbleheadย in Lucy’s car.ย

Torterra, along with Greninja, is one of the Pokemonย being experiment in the same laboratory Mewtwoย once was.ย
Bulbasaur, Morelull

The final starter Pokemonย of the original 151 appears toward the end of the film and helps Tim save Pikachuย during a pivotal scene. With Bulbasaur acting as guide, Morelullย appear and help light the way for Tim and Pikachu
Flabebe, Comfey

Flabebeย and Comfey can be quickly seen shortly after Bulbasaur and Morelullย guide Tim and Pikachu to a special location hidden away from the world.ย

Like the other Legendariesย in the film, Lugiaย does not make a full appearance but can be seen as a balloon in a big parade toward the film’s final scene.ย

Venusaurย is one of the many Pokemon seen during the finale of the film.ย