Digimon Adventure has debuted a new ending theme! With the 20th Anniversary Digimon anime series officially kicking off a new arc with the latest episode of the series, now fans have been treated to a new ending theme. The previous episode of the series surprised with a major cliffhanger that saw Tai’s younger sister Hikari brought to the Digital World for the first time through a flash of light. Fans of the original know all too well that this is the start of her joining the DigiDestined team, and that’s been further confirmed through the new ending theme sequence.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Digimon Adventure’s third ending theme is titled “Mind Game,” and is performed by Maica_n. This new ending theme for the series is a major departure from the other two as it shows each of the DigiDestined hanging out with their respective partners in some real world Japan locations. You can check it out below thanks to Toei Animation’s official Twitter account:
๐จNew ending credits sequence ๐ฅ for “Digimon Adventure:” featuring the new song “Mind game” by Maica_nโผ๏ธ ๐ถ
Starting from episode 27โผ๏ธ ๐ #DIGIMONADVENTURE2020 pic.twitter.com/X7bEgzOi4I
โ Toei Animation (@ToeiAnimation) December 6, 2020
Just as how the second opening theme confirmed that Yamato’s younger brother Takeru would be joining the DigiDestined before it was revealed in the anime, the third ending theme confirmed that Hikari will be joining the team as well. Although this is no surprise for fans of the original series, this will be a major tease for new fans of the franchise as this ending theme showcases the first look at her upcoming partner Digimon, Gatomon.
With Hikari saying she was called to this Digital World and bringing the others there through a flash of light, there’s a sense that she has a Holy Digimon connection as well. Although this has yet to be shown in the new series, it won’t be long until Hikari and her partner Digimon are fully brought into the action in this new series as it ushers in one of the major fan favorites from the original run.
But what do you think? How do you liking Digimon Adventure’s newest ending theme? How does it compare to the first two we’ve seen so far? Are you excited to see Hikari and Gatomon team up in the new series soon? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!