The world of Dragon Ball Super is currently seeing Goku and Vegeta fight against the intergalactic bounty hunter known as Granolah, while a new movie is set to arrive in Japanese theaters this April via Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. While the spin-off series Dragon Ball Heroes has taken the opportunity to bring back plenty of old heroes and villains, fans have recently started a debate about which characters from the Shonen series are deserving of their own series in the future.
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Reddit User Airick The Nerd got the ball rolling on this Shonen discussion in which fans of the Dragon Ball series took the opportunity to share which side characters they would love to see get their own spin-off series, with the likes of the God of Destruction Beerus and the three-eyed human Tenshinhan all received nods in the back and forth:
What character from Dragon Ball’s history do you want to see receive their own series? What character would you like to see make an appearance in the main series once again? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball.