'Dragon Ball Super' Dub Episode 99 Recap With Spoilers

Dragon Ball Super's Tournament of Power has gotten serious as the first universe has fallen, and [...]

Dragon Ball Super's Tournament of Power has gotten serious as the first universe has fallen, and officially erased from existence. But with everything just beginning, it's going to be a long road before the winner is decided.

This week is Krillin's time to shine, but will he make it to episode's end? Read on to find out everything that happened in the latest Dragon Ball Super on Toonami!

  1. The other universes are still shaken up after witnessing the erasure of Universe 9, the first to fall in the Tournament of Power. Goku notes how it's the second time they've seen an erasure (the first following the Future Trunks arc), and Vegeta declares he will be the last one standing. The other Kais note how the Tournament of Power actually gave the other universes a fighting chance when they would've been erased anyway.
  2. Everyone recognizes the strength and wavering decision making of the Omni Kings, and Android 17 and 18 formulate a plan to utilize the fact that they will never run out of stamina with their Android bodies. The Tournament of Power soon continues as the universes try and fight smarter this time around.
  3. Vegeta goes up against Universe 6's Botamo, and ties up his arms rather than deal with his rubber body. He tries to throw him out of the ring, but Botamo is soon saved by Universe 6's Magetta. Gohan's group soon goes against a flying fighter from Universe 10, and he's taken out by their teamwork.
  4. Vegeta tries to insult Magetta like the last time, but Botamo rides on top of him and covers his ears. Vegeta can't land a clean hit thanks to their teamwork. Android 18 fights someone from Universe 4 and knocks him to the edge of the ring. But he plays dead. Catching her off guard, he launches a barrage of ki blasts and nearly knocks her off the stage. Luckily, Krillin grabs her and pulls her back in before she loses.
  5. Krillin and Android 18 then fight the Universe 4's Majora together by utilizing their team up attack they worked on. They knock a single ki blast back and forth between the two of them, gradually picking up its speed and size, until the fighter is knocked out of the ring.
  6. Krillin is soon kicked away buy another fighter, but 18 knocks the fighter back. Krillin tries to blind the fighter with a Solar Flare (while 18 wears Roshi's sunglasses), but Majora is already blind and thus is able to attack 18 and Krillin in the middle of it.
  7. 18 figures out that he's relying on his sense of smell to make up for his lack of sight, and Krillin is sure they can still win. He says he thought up a secret plan to beat Majora. Krillin and the fighter begin trading blows, and Krillin is on the ropes.
  8. That is, until Krillin throws his shoe at Majora and Majora's overwhelmed by its stench. Utilizing that distraction, Krillin launches a Kamehameha Wave and eliminates Majora. 18's a bit disgusted at this way of winning, and says she'll wash Krillin's shoes when they get home.
  9. But while Krillin is celebrating, Universe 6's Frost sneaks up and eliminates him from the tournament. Beerus and Supreme Kai are undoubtedly mad and berate him as a result. There are 43 minutes remaining in the Tournament of Power.

Dragon Ball Super currently airs its English dub on Adult Swim during the Toonami programming block Saturday evenings at 11:00 p.m. It is also available to stream on Funimation and Amazon Video. The Japanese language release of the series is complete, and available to stream on FunimationNOW and Crunchyroll. The manga has chapters that can currently be read for free thanks to Viz Media.

If you wanted to catch up with the English dub of the series, there's actually a pretty nifty way to do so. You can currently stream the first 91 episodes of the dub on FunimationNOW, which brings the series from the beginning all the way to when the the universes began gathering their fighters for the Tournament of Power. It's not too far off from where the Toonami run of the series is at currently.