
Dragon Ball Super Reveals How Many Namekians Are Left

There are few races in Dragon Ball that have had as much trouble as the Namekians. Ever since […]

There are few races in Dragon Ball that have had as much trouble as the Namekians. Ever since their debut, the aliens have experienced all sorts of attacks with some completely taking out their home world. This trend only continued when Dragon Ball Super was announced, and it seems the series just dealt one of the worst blows possible to the Namekian people.

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Recently, Dragon Ball Super put out its new chapter, and it was there fans caught up with Piccolo. The fighter has been on Earth for quite some time thanks to his ties to King Piccolo, but his heroic turn has made the Z-Fighter a favorite with fans. In fact, Piccolo helped fans come to adore the Namekians, and that is what made the chapter’s reveal all the more horrible.

After all, the final count of the Namekian race was given at last. Following Moro’s attack on New Namek, the race has seen its number plummet to a measly one-digit number.

When Piccolo meets up with Jaco, the fighter is reunited with Esca and Dende. The older Namekian is happy to see the two leaders, but Piccolo becomes frozen with fear once it is confirmed he and the other two men are the only surviving Namekians left.

“Yep, you three are the last surviving Namekians,” Jaco confirms.

While there weren’t a ton of Namekians on New Namek to start, there were far more than three housed on the planet. Moro’s attack culled off the majority of Namekians who survived Freeza’s destruction of Namek years ago, and the massacre clearly has Piccolo shaken up. Now, it will be up to these three to avenge the Namekian race and find someway to repopulate their people before it goes extinct.

Are you shocked by this tiny number? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

Dragon Ball Super currently airs its English dub on Adult Swim during the Toonami programming block on Saturday evenings, and is also available to stream on Funimation and Amazon Video. The Japanese-language release of the series is complete, and available to stream on FunimationNOW and Crunchyroll. The manga has chapters that can currently be read for free thanks to Viz Media, and Dragon Ball Super’s big movie, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, is now available on Blu-ray and DVD.