With the arrival of Vegeta and Nappa to earth during Dragon Ball Z’s Saiyan Saga, the world of the shonen franchise would never be the same. Prior to the two Saiyan warriors eliminating a number of the Z-Fighters, they employed the use of plant-men known as the Saibamen to see just how strong the heroes of the anime series were. The Saibamen were able to add one major notch to their belts before they were all destroyed and now, fans can pre-order one of Dragon Ball’s strangest items.
Videos by ComicBook.com
The Saibamen were a good litmus test to show how the Z-Fighters had progressed in the year following the death of Goku and Raditz that kicked off Dragon Ball Z. With each of the plant men holding a power level of 1200, they were the same strength as Goku’s brother and thus were quite the opening challenge before Piccolo and company took on Nappa and Vegeta. While the likes of Krillin, Tenshinhan, and Piccolo were able to defeat a number of Saibamen, Yamcha found himself killed during his one-on-one fight thanks to a suicide play by one of the creatures. Yamcha’s death remains one of Dragon Ball’s biggest memes to this day, scoring the Saibamen a big win.
Saibamen: Need a Tissue?
Dragon Ball Z is aiming to release a hilarious Saibamen tissue holder, with pre-orders now open to purchase the merchandise for an arrival next year. The anime merch will retail for around $45 USD and sees the plant creatures holding onto the arms of its owners just as they had done with Yamcha oh so long ago.
Dragon Ball’s next big anime project is set to arrive next year thanks to Dragon Ball Daima. The new project is taking the opportunity to imagine Son Goku and his fellow Z-Fighters as children, thanks to a villain using the Dragon Balls for nefarious purposes. While we’ll see quite a few heroes making a comeback to sport far different looks in the upcoming anime, we doubt that the Saibamen will be making a return in Daima.
Will you be adding this hilarious merchandise to your anime collection? Do you still feel bad for Yamcha following his saibamen battle during the Saiyan Saga? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball.