The “Rebuild of Evangelion” film franchise is set to end later this month, bringing to a close the latest interpretation of Shinji Ikari, the government organization known as NERV, and their battles against the extraterrestrial threat known as the Angels and it seems as if Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 wants to give fans a big sneak peek as the movie has announced that the first ten minutes are set to stream this week. Following several delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Thrice Upon A Time has finally given us a release date of March 8th to wrap this latest story.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion has seen a number of big announcements these past few years, with the anime series hitting the streaming service of Netflix and garnering a brand new audience in doing so. The classic anime franchise has spent years telling this new story of Shinji and his fellow EVA pilots, with many wondering how the current arc will come to a close and how it will ultimately be different from the story that played out in the End of Evangelion movie. Needless to say, we would imagine that many fans are hoping for a happier ending than the original series’ considering the fate that befell not only the agents of NERV but the world as a whole.
The first ten-plus minutes of Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0: Thrice Upon A Time is set to arrive via Studio Khara’s Youtube Page alongside Amazon Prime Video, giving fans an idea of what they can expect for Shinji and his fellow EVA pilots in the final film of the “Rebuild of Evangelion” series.
The future of the Evangelion franchise when it comes to any new anime projects is anyone’s guess at this point, with no rumors swirling regarding a return to television or the big screen following the arrival of Thrice Upon A Time. Fans of the franchise do still have some things to look forward to, as the original anime series is set to arrive with its first “Blu-Ray” box set for the first time, giving fans the opportunity to have physical copies of the series in some extremely high definition.
Are you hyped to see the first ten-plus minutes of the final film of the “Rebuild of Evangelion” series? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of NERV.