At this point, Family Guy is less of a show and more of an institution. The adult animated comedy has been on television for quite some time, and this year marks its biggest milestone yet. Today marks the 25th anniversary of Family Guy if you can believe it. And thanks to a new statement by creator Seth MacFarlane, we know Family Guy won’t be ending anytime soon.
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The update comes straight from The Wrap as MacFarlane was asked recently about the show’s big anniversary. After 25 years on the air, Family Guy has done plenty,and it has faced some dire straits. However, those troubles have passed, and MacFarlane is certain the show has a long life ahead of it.
“It’s still surviving and thriving. It still has a sizable audience and is a perfect example of there being an appetite for something. So we continue to feed the beast. There’s no indication that the show is going to end anytime soon,” MacFarlane shared.
Of course, nobody is more familiar with the ins and outs of Family Guy than MacFarlane. Not only does the actor voice several of the show’s top characters, but he created the series back in 1999. From Stewie to Peter, MacFarlane oversees most aspects of Family Guy with a top-notch creative team. MacFarlane has written and executive produced the comedy since day one while overseeing its lead roles. So if the star believes Family Guy is nowhere near its end, he knows what he’s talking about.
It must be said that Family Guy has faced cancellation before. In fact, the series has experienced two separate cancellations. The first finale came around in 2000, but Fox ended up reviving the animated series to great success. In 2002, Family Guy was hit with another cancellation, but it was revived by Fox in 2005 after the show began dominating ratings on Adult Swim. Nowadays, Family Guy reigns supreme on cable as well as streaming. So when it comes to the future of Family Guy, anything is possible.
What do you think about this latest update on Family Guy‘s future? Let us know what you think in the comments below as well as on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!