In the world of Shonen series, two of the brightest examples of the fighting anime medium are My Hero Academia and Black Clover, which follow two young dreamers looking to make their way in worlds of heroes and magic and now, fans can score a number of episodes for free from each series! With the sale taking place through the Microsoft Store, fans who have the X-Box Game Console, or simply have access to their website, will be able to snag a handful of episodes from the anime series that focus on super heroes and sorcerers.
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My Hero Academia’s Midoriya and Black Clover’s Asta have a lot in common when it comes to their origins, despite how different their respective universes are from one another. While the world of UA Academy focuses on super heroes fighting crime and battling against super villains dead set on changing the world, the world of magic and monsters in Black Clover instead focuses on warriors’ ability to harness magic. Midoriya and Asta however are both young men that were born without powers to call their own, with each training in an attempt to enter into a world that was though denied to them originally. Deku was given powers thanks in part to a run in with the hero All Might, while Asta came across a magical item that essentially made him a sorcerer in his own right.
Twitter User Wario64 shared the Microsoft Sale with fans, noting that what was currently available for free was the first half of My Hero Academia’s second season and the third part of the first season of Black Clover, giving audiences the opportunity to own unique parts of each franchise:
My Hero Academia Season 2 Part 1 is free on MS Store
Simuldub Clover S1P3
— Wario64 (@Wario64) July 3, 2020
S3 Uncut
While My Hero Academia‘s fourth season came to a close, Black Clover is released on a far more frequent basis, released weekly. The super heroes of UA Academy take breaks in between each season, while the world of magic and monsters has a weekly release.
Will you be picking up these free episodes of My Hero Academia and Black Clover via Microsoft? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and these Shonen series!