
Godzilla Vs. Fantastic Four Turns Two Kaiju Into Heralds of Galactus

Marvel’s Galactus has imbued his power to big kaiju in Godzilla Vs. Fantastic Four.

Marvel & Toho

Marvel has started its latest kaiju crossover by pitting Godzilla the King of the Monsters against the comic universe’s first family, the Fantastic Four. In the first entry of this multi-issue crossover series that will see the Lizard King taking on some of the comic company’s biggest heroes, ‘Zilla’s fight against the four took some wild turns. Not only has one big Godzilla antagonist been granted the Power Cosmic to heighten Galactus’ game but another well-known beast was also given a major boost to do battle with the three-headed monstrosity. Needless to say, you’ve never seen two of your favorite kaiju look quite like this before.

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Warning. If you have yet to read Godzilla Vs. Fantastic Four #1, be forewarned that we’ll be diving into major spoiler territory. Struggling to pause the destruction of Godzilla as the kaiju arrives in the Marvel Universe, the Fantastic Four are approached by the Silver Surfer as the former herald of Galactus shares the bad news that the purple powerhouse has picked a new messenger. King Ghidorah hasn’t just been made Galactus’ new herald but the three-headed terror has been imbued with the Power Cosmic. Now far stronger than he has ever been, Ghidorah’s new status is explained by the Silver Surfer.

“My cosmic senses can scan the memories of this creature. It is an unspeakable destructive force: a being of pure malice, relishing only in death and chaos. The moment Galactus encountered King Ghidorah, the last one left on the planet after the creature itself destroyed its own world was also the moment Galactus found a Herald capable of taking Earth. This creature now has but one mission: to destroy we who defend this world so that Galactus can then consume the planet unopposed.”

Godzilla: The New Silver Surfer

In a bid to take down the super-charged Ghidorah, Norran Rad makes the surprising decision to transfer his power to the King of the Monsters. Godzilla might not be officially a herald of Galactus but he now has the power of one. The Fantastic Four take the opportunity to team up with the lizard king, backing it up as it unleashes the full force of the Power Cosmic against King Ghidorah. Luckily, the gambit is successful as King Ghidorah’s power imbued by Galactus is forced out of it.

Our issue ends with Ghidorah defeated, flying away from the Earth sans the Power Cosmic as Godzilla transfers the power back to the Silver Surfer. As the kaiju departs, the Fantastic Four present a wild question as Reed Richards now believes that a fight between Galactus and Godzilla is inevitable. Rather than attempting to decipher who would win, Mr. Fantastic wonders if anyone could hope to survive this fight.

The Fantastic Four aren’t the only Marvel characters that will take on Godzilla in this new crossover as the X-Men, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Avengers, and Thor will each receive their own one-shot. Based on this first outing, expect some wild moments in this kaiju crossover.

Want to see what other wild moments happen in this Godzilla x Marvel crossover? Follow along with Team Anime on for the latest updates on the king of the monsters and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.