Hiro Mashima Is Desperate to Make Even More Manga

Hiro Mashima is a machine when it comes to publishing new manga.

In the world of manga, few creators are as prolific as Hiro Mashima. The artist, who began work in the late '90s, stands as a paragon in his field. For decades, Mashima has overseen a slew of hits from Rave Master to Fairy Tail and Edens Zero. With more projects on the way, Mashima is staying busy, and it seems he is eager to make even more manga moving forward.

The update comes from Mashima himself as the artist recently brought Edens Zero to a close. It was there Kodansha posted an interview with Mashima to honor the finale. It is there the artist opened up about his professional goals, and Mashima said he will keep making manga until he reaches a certain goal.

"It's just wishful thinking! I always start new works thinking, 'Maybe this time, it'll be a hit.' After all, Fairy Tail holds such a big place in my heart, and I have this desire to surpass it. I feel like I have to create new manga," the artist shared.

Clearly, Mashima is not content with is legacy at this point, and that is wild to consider. The artist has published eight full-blown series to date, and Fairy Tail has posted two spin offs in its time. That doesn't even account for the miniseries Mashima has posted and his work on video games. Most recently, the artist made headlines for his work on the game Farmagia, and it too is getting an anime.

With Edens Zero finished, Mashima is putting his full focus on Dead Rock, but it won't be long until another story catches his eye. There is no telling what the artist will do in the coming years as he tries to surpass Fairy Tail. So if you aren't familiar with the man, well – you better start studying. Mashima is here to stay.

Need to brush up on Mashima's body of work? No sweat! Kodansha has overseen the publication of Mashima's series to date, so you can find many of them on the K Manga app. As for anime, series like Fairy Tail and Edens Zero can be found everywhere from Crunchyroll to Netflix. Next month, Fairy Tail will return to television with an anime sequel, so be sure to tune into Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest. 

What kind of series would you like to see Mashima tackle in the future? Let us know what you think over on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!