Hunter x Hunter recently returned via Weekly Shonen Jump, continuing the tale of the Succession Contest Arc. While creator Yoshihiro Togashi has been suffering from health issues that have stopped the series from releasing on a regular schedule, the series remains a fan-favorite. Despite the series’ return, there are a handful of characters whose status remains up in the air, with the leader of the Phantom Troupe being a prime example. Now, one cosplayer has taken the opportunity to bring back Chrollo with a major makeover.
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One of the biggest moments in Chrollo’s life has yet to be adapted to the anime officially, as Hunter x Hunter’s manga saw him defending his leadership role in the Phantom Troupe against none other than Hisoka. With the make-up-wearing antagonist wanting to fight Chrollo for quite some time simply to see if he could defeat the Phantom Troupe head, Hisoka found himself unable to ultimately defeat his now-former boss. Luckily, Hisoka did survive the encounter as Chrollo and the Phantom Troupe have left him behind, though it’s been some time since we’ve had an update on the villains and whether we’ll see another antagonist civil war in the future.
Hunter x Chrollo
Chrollo has certainly earned his place as the head of the Phantom Troupe more than once. His mastery of Nen and his sheer strength has yet to be fully explored, though it’s clear that if Gon and his friends are ever to face off against the nefarious villain, they’ll have their work cut out for them. The Succession Contest Arc is still the main story of the series, though there might be an appearance from the Troupe in the future.
The last time that Hunter x Hunter hit the anime scene was thanks to Studio Madhouse’s production, and while there have been no rumors that the shonen series will return to television, there are plenty of events that have yet to be translated from the manga. Considering the battles that have taken place both before and during the Succession Contest Arc, the anime series will have some major moments to adapt. When Chrollo and Hisoka face off again in the manga, the world of Hunter x Hunter is sure to quake as a result.
Do you think Chrollo will remain the head of the Phantom Troupe? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the hunters.