The Jujutsu Kaisen manga ended in September 2024, after concluding the long battle against the King of Curses. The final volumes were released on December 25th, 2024, featuring several extra illustrations. Volume 30 has a 16-page epilogue focusing on Nobara Kugisaki, Yuko Ozawa, Panda, and Uraume. Each character gets a four-page epilogue centered around them. While we follow Nobara, Yuko, and Panda after the main story ends, Uraume’s epilogue is a brief Heian flashback. We witness their first meeting with Sukuna. Uraume is a minor antagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen. Despite being one of the most powerful sorcerers, they never had much role in the story.
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Uraume’s character is limited to being Sukuna’s loyal servant. While the manga never specifically showed their relationship, it’s clear that the two were very close. Sukuna, despite being an arrogant and prideful villain, cared for Uraume even after his death. Fans love their dynamic, and the epilogue was well-received by fans. However, the majority of the reason Uraume’s epilogue was praised is because it had Sukuna. While Sukuna is one of the most popular characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, Uraume never had enough presence to attract as many fans as the main villain. This also proves that fans would’ve loved to know more about Sukuna from the Heian Era.
What Happens in Uraume’s Epilogue in Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 30?
We see a young Uraume lying in front of their parents’ corpses. When they were a child, Uraume had difficulty controlling their powers. They ended up freezing themself and everything around them, including their parents. This happened during the Heian Era when Sukuna was out on a stroll. He came across the gruesome scene and took Uraume with him. He realized that the child’s powers could be a great substitute for his broken icehouse (a refrigerator prototype). As the two spent more time together, Sukuna noticed Uraume’s cooking talents. Uraume was not only Sukuna’s subordinate but also his cook. It’s a well-known fact that Sukuna was a cannibal.
Hence, he asked if Uraume could cook humans, too. Sukuna said the taste depends on the person, but it’s a kind of delicacy for him. Even so, Uraume wasn’t grossed out by that fact. Instead, they asked why Sukuna wasn’t cold around them. The King of Curses asked the same question, wondering why Uraume wasn’t cold around him instead. Sukuna meant that metaphorically since everyone who saw him would freeze in fear. Hence, the strongest sorcerer in history lived in solitude before he found Uraume. The epilogue ended with Uraume holding Sukuna’s hand and walking away, just like in Chapter 271.
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The Jujutsu Kaisen Epilogue Proves Fans Would’ve Loved Sukuna’s Heian Flashback
There are a lot of unanswered questions about the main villain of Jujutsu Kaisen. Sure, while a character’s backstory isn’t always necessary, it does satisfy the reader’s curiosity and makes them relate to the character more. Sukuna, the strongest sorcerer in history, was abandoned by his mother after birth. The story never specifically mentions the real reason, but it’s possible she abandoned him because of his appearance. Sukuna briefly mentioned that his mother was starving for too long, which is why he ate his twin inside the womb. It hints that his mother was poor, which is another possibility since she thought she couldn’t take care of him. Even his real name remains unknown, or maybe he never got any in the first place. Ryomen Sukuna is simply a title given to him because he’s the strongest.
He lived alone for years before coming across Uraume. Sukuna was an outcast in the Jujutsu world since everyone feared him. No one would dare needlessly approach him and keep their distance (except Yorozu, who died at Uraume’s hands). However, something happened in the Heian Era that made all the sorcerers gather their might to defeat one person. Sukuna died thanks to the combined efforts of the sorcerers. All this was only narrated, but we never got to experience his past. The epilogue, despite being a four-page-long story, was already interesting and even heartwarming.
Sukuna’s defeat during the Heian Era was so legendary that the tale was passed down in the Jujutsu world for over a thousand years. This just proves that a full backstory centering around Sukuna would’ve made the story much more interesting. In Chapter 271, Sukuna talked about the two choices he was given. While he said that, we see a woman and Uraume standing opposite to one another, depicting the two said choices. The identity of the woman remains unknown. She could be his mother, but it’s only a speculation without any concrete evidence.