Look Back, one of 2024’s best anime movies, follows two aspiring manga artists when their lives stray off in very different directions. Producing an anime is a dream almost every fan has likely had since discovering the incredible medium. But, according to the film’s writer and director, Kiyotaka Oshiyama, we’re better off enjoying anime than making it.
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Look Back is based on the manga of the same name by Tatuski Fujimoto, the creator of Chainsaw Man. The movie is currently streaming on Prime Video, and fans online are obsessed with its heartbreaking tale of dreams, friendship, and grief. We, the audience, definitely enjoyed watching Look Back a lot more than Oshiyama enjoyed making it, as the writer/director recently revealed the stressful process of bringing the beloved manga to the big screen.
Kiyotaka Oshiyama Gets Honest About Directing Look Back
In an interview with Deadline, Kiyotaka Oshiyama got surprisingly candid about the stressful experience of writing and directing Look Back. “As an animator, I think itโs better to be in the audience just watching anime,” he said in a startling confession. Oshiyama said he’s incredibly happy with how Look Back turned out, but he’d much rather have been in the audience watching it than behind the scenes making it.
“To consume anime is much better,” Oshiyama continued. “Making it is a really long production. The fact that you have to sit for so long and maintain your focus is a physically demanding job. So, I donโt think itโs something that we could work on for long periods of time or long years.”
Ultimately though, Kiyotaka Oshiyama said the stress of making the film was worth it. He revealed that directors and anyone involved in making a movie or an anime never truly know if a project will be a hit. “I really think the success of a movie is hit or miss,” he explained. “You donโt know what contributes to it and I think I was just lucky. I am thankful for the praise that Iโm getting.”
[RELATED: Look Back Named Best Anime Movie for 2024 (Golden Issue Awards)]
Could Look Back Win an Oscar?
Fans have already labeled Look Back as one of, if not THE best anime movie of 2024. But, the real test comes this March at the 97th Academy Awards. 2025’s Oscar nominees will be unveiled this Thursday (23rd January), and anime fans have their fingers crossed that Look Back will get recognized.
Kiyotaka Oshiyama didn’t touch upon Look Back‘s awards season chances. Instead, he has begun to look forward to his next project. Oshiyama didn’t reveal what he will be working on next. However, he admitted that the success of Look Back has added some extra pressure on the new project. “I try to tell myself and tone it down,” he said. “But I think if I were to think about my next project and if theyโre like, ‘Oh, itโs going to be a hit just like Look Back,’ then I might stress out a little, but I try not to think about it.”
Look Back is currently streaming on Prime Video.
H/T: Deadline